Monday, December 14, 2015

12 Days of Service: Day 3

Snowball fight!! During the winter months, the boys are constantly balling up snow and chucking it at someone (usually each other) or something. Most times the snowball fights are well received, but on occasion the little balls of frozen water find an unhappy target (usually Mom). Well tonight's "snowball" fight was all about fun! Again, this is a new service activity for this year, but one that I have a feeling we'll be repeating. I found this idea online and printed off this cute "snowball" face and instructions. We then attached the two pieces of paper to a goodie then anonymously dropped them off at a couple houses. In theory, the recipients would then make copies of the face and instructions, get goodies, and pass them along. Thus, starting a "snowball" fight around our neighborhood. We decided to get white powdered donuts as our goodie because they most resembled a snowball. We coupled that with a half gallon of chocolate milk then decided on our targets. The boys had a blast sneaking up to the doorsteps of two different houses, dropping off the gifts, knocking on the door, then running as fast as they could so they wouldn't get caught! It was a fun evening...that we got to continue a couple days later! Yup...the snowball fight continued and we got "hit"! This time we placed the snowball face on our door to notify any others that we had already been hit. It was fun to listen to the recipients of our "snowball" wonder who "hit" them. It was even better to see the smiles on their faces! Christmas is about fun, joy, and smiles!

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