Thursday, June 4, 2015

Evan's mission call

Today another of Jeff's nephews, Evan, sent out a text informing us he'd received his mission call and was opening it that evening. Evan's brother, Mitch, received his a couple weeks ago and now it was Evan's turn. I am so excited for both of these boys (and Laurin, who should be receiving hers in a week). There is nothing like serving a mission, where you completely dedicate your life to serving the Lord and others, to help a young man or woman grow up. I served a mission in Uruguay. It changed me in so many ways. I am extremely grateful for the lessons I learned there and the perspective it provided me. I am much more appreciative of the material "luxuries" I have and try not to take them for granted. I learned how to live with someone who was very different from me and how to celebrate those differences, not just tolerate them. There are life lessons that can be gained in such a short amount of time that, I feel, most people take a lifetime to acquire. In any case, Evan has been called to serve in the Santa Rosa, California mission. He will be speaking English and reports to the Missionary Training Center on August 19th. We're so excited for him! And so grateful for the positive example he is setting for our boys.

Trudy with her two missionary boys!

The Southwick clan: Grandpa, Grandma, Dallin, Mitchell, Trudy, Evan, Danny, Katie, Alisha (and Jonas), and Jeff

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