Monday, June 8, 2015

Pain and chaos

How do you like the title of this post? Well, that's pretty much what this week has been. Luckily (except unfortunately for Amber), Amber was the only one to experience the "pain" portion of that title. On Monday (June 8th), Amber had her wisdom teeth extracted. Fortunately, three out of the four were reportedly easy to remove, but that last one is the one that probably tipped her over the pain threshold. Poor thing was swollen and sore for the rest of the week. However, during the process, she was pretty giddy. She won't admit she was feeling loopy, but she would laugh at the littlest thing. My favorite post-extraction moment was when Grandma Penny (with whom I left Amber after the appointment so I could run some errands with the boys) commented that Amber wouldn't be able to sing now. Amber quickly mumbled, with the gauze still in her mouth, that she was still able to sing - just without words. She then demonstrated by attempting to vocalize a melody using "ah's" and "oo's". We all broke out laughing at that point! In any case, Amber stayed with Grandma Penny until that evening when Jeff and I took her home. For the next two days, Amber hardly moved from this position:
Now, for those of you familiar with our house, you will notice that the couch is not in its usual location. That's because also on Monday, we had the carpets cleaned. This is where the "chaos" portion of the title comes in. Yup, Amber chilled on our couch in the kitchen until Wednesday when we were finally able to move furniture back onto the carpets. To be honest, the house is still in disarray and it's already Sunday (14th). The Saturday before our carpets were cleaned, I helped the boys clean out their rooms upstairs and transfer everything downstairs. Since the girls have moved out, we decided to move Dallin and Daniel downstairs so we could set up the nursery upstairs. The poor boys have been camping out in the kitchen downstairs for nearly a week. However, they have been troopers about the whole thing! (Probably because they are excited to finally be able to get some new bedding, dressers, and decorations for their rooms.) Needless to say, life has been a bit busy and a bit chaotic...and it doesn't seem to be letting up any time soon. Jeff has been super busy with work, church responsibilities, and helping out friends and neighbors. I've been busy trying to keep the house running and somewhat organized. I'm still hoping that I'll be able to set up the nursery before the 4th of July. Keep your fingers crossed! (As a side note: Jeff and I have been seeing my OB weekly now. Jonas is doing great! He is measuring and weighing what he should. We also had another ultrasound and everything appears to be developing as it should. Only about 6 more weeks to go before we get to finally hold this little miracle in our arms!)

I guess they can't say they never "shared" a room!
Jeff, Laurin and the boys starting to put together the boys' nightstands and dressers.

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