Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Goodbye summer 2024...

I really thought this summer would be a lot less busy...but I was wrong! It seems to have flown by. We were busy from the first weekend until the last. I'm grateful for my in-laws who live next door and tend my highly neglected garden for me because without them, it would be an overgrown mess. Towards the end of summer, we did thankfully have a few days at home with nothing on the agenda, which allowed Jonas, Carter, and Everly to just hang out and have fun. In fact, by August, all our visitors were gone and the only trip we had left was to Flaming Gorge (which is a pretty low key trip). However, there was still some fun to be had before we said goodbye to summer.

Jonas and I were able to squeeze in a few more dates. On Friday, August 2nd, we went to see the newly released movie, Harold and the Purple Crayon. I remember reading this book to Jonas. The movie was really cute with a good message. That evening, we grabbed Dad and met up with Casey and the kids for Payson's annual Salmon Supper. I love this event! Not only do I get really good food, but it feels like an event right out of a Hallmark movie...everybody gathering at the town park, eating a family style dinner at tables strung out on the grass, and enjoying live music in the gazebo. 

The next day (Saturday, August 3rd) was Everly's 2nd birthday. I can't believe she's already two...going on 22! Laurin hosted a fun "Bear Hunt" birthday party. We met at the Grotto trail up in Payson Canyon and went on a bear hunt. She even had fun little stuffed bears at the end of the trail. 

Monday (August 4th) Jonas cashed in his last reading-earned date; this time we headed to the Provo Beach Resort. He has wanted to go back to the beach resort since we came here in January when he cashed in his Christmas "Yes-day" gift....and yes, we spent the entire day there! We shut it down again. Of course he spent most of his time in the laser tag area, but we also bowled, played arcades & croquet, and he got to surf. Jonas hates reading so if this is the price we had to pay for him to be excited about reading this summer, so be it.

Probably the biggest and most anticipated event of the month was the birth of Baby Beau! He was definitely not in a hurry. He came over a week late. It was a rough delivery process too. He eventually had had to be delivered via c-section then spent the first two days in the NICU while the medical staff helped to get his glucose and O2 saturation levels under control. Thankfully, he and Amber are doing well! He was a big baby! He weighed 10 lbs 1 oz at birth and was 21 inches long. Jeff and I (and Laurin) were lucky enough to meet him before we left for Flaming Gorge. It hurt my heart to see him attached to so many wires in the NICU, but his parents (and the nurses) were taking good care of him. Since he's been home, we have been able to snuggle and visit him more. Even Jonas, Carter, and Everly got to meet him. He is definitely well-loved!

The day after he was born, we left for Flaming Gorge (see post) and a few days after we returned Jonas was back in school. We got to go to the school on Tuesday, August 13th, to meet his teacher. This is the first year he's had a male teacher, Mr. Fuhriman. At first, he wasn't too excited, but when he met his teacher he was cautiously optimistic. After meet-the-teacher, we went out to dinner at Cracker Barrel (Jonas's choice). The next morning (Wednesday, August 14th), he got on his new school clothes and got ready for what I hope will be his best year yet!

You would think that with school starting summer would be over...but we've managed to fit a few more fun activities into August before we start the fun fall festivities in September. (Yes...I am aware that summer isn't officially over until September 21st, but I consider the unofficial summer season to be from Memorial Day to Labor Day.) We managed to take the boat out to Deer Creek one Saturday. It was just Jeff, Jonas, Dallin, Audrey, and I. We spent a couple of hours surfing and cruising around before a storm rolled in. We got off the lake just in time! Since the boat broke in Lake Powell, we haven't had many opportunities to take it out so it was nice to put it in the water even if only for a couple of hours.

On Tuesday, August 20th, our ward hosted a luau. It was so much fun! They had an inflatable water slide for the younger kids and 9-square for the older kids. Jonas floated between the two. There was TONS of food and even some traditional entertainment. Jeff got roped into showing off his hula skills. It was hilarious!

Since Jonas has been back in school, Carter and Everly aren't quite sure what to do...and neither am I. I was so spoiled with his help this summer and the kiddos just love him. Yet, now that they are older, I feel more confident in taking them out so we've started our own weekly dates...just like I used to do with Jonas. The first week we just went to the park then to McDonalds for lunch. This past week, we went to the Butterfly Biosphere at Thanksgiving Point. Carter loved the butterflies and wanted to hold all of them. Everly liked to look but wanted nothing to do with holding them. We strolled through the biosphere then explored some of the other creepy creatures in the facility before we left. While yes, it is a bit exhausting taking them out, I wouldn't trade it! I love making memories with them.

And just like that....summer is over! August has come to an end and the unofficial start to fall is upon us! Bring on cooler temps, fun holidays...and all things pumpkin!