Monday, August 19, 2019

First day of School!

Where did the summer go?! Seriously! Not only that, but where did my little baby go?! Today Danny started his 9th-grade year and Jonas started preschool. For Danny, school was no big deal. He's not really excited about all the school work, but he was excited to see all his friends again. It was a little weird taking his back-to-school picture with no one else in it (Jonas was still asleep when he left). How can he already be in 9th grade?

Jonas, on the other hand, was super excited to start school! On Wednesday (Aug 14), I took him to an Open House at the Preschool. He was excited to get his binder and seemed in his element at the school. He enjoyed playing outside and seeing all the fun toys inside. Ms. Alesha, one of the teachers, even sat down with him at the computer to show him some of the instructional games he would get to play.

The day school started, I got him the book, Kissing Hands, that relates a story of a young raccoon who experiences some anxiety about going to school. The mama raccoon kisses his hand and tells him to put it up to his cheek or his heart anytime he feels scared or lonely. I think I utilized my kissing hand today more than Jonas did. We got to the school, I kissed his hand, he kissed mine, then he was off! He didn't even look back. When did he grow up?

He was so excited! 

After preschool, he excitedly told me about the toys he got to play with, the friends he knew there (Gabe and Jonny), the homework he had (yes...he was excited about that), the fire song they learned (to demonstrate what the kids were to do in case of a fire), criss cross applesauce, etc. He even said that he was the one who was listening while all the other kids were running around touching the toys. He told me the day was "too short"! In celebration, I took him to Chick-fil-A for lunch. Afterward, he went to play at Gabe's house for a couple hours so I spent most of the day in my quiet home. Not sure how I felt about it.

That afternoon, I got Cassie's Cookies to celebrate the boys' first day. Here's to a great school year!

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