Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Quick trip to AZ!

On Monday (November 4), I made a quick trip to AZ. While driving back from Utah, Mom and Dad were in a car accident. Since that time, they have decided to replace both of their vehicles. Dad agreed to buy our Honda Ridgeline...hence my quick trip. I got to drive the Ridgeline down to AZ then flew back on Wednesady (November 6) morning. Now most people would think a 10-hour trip alone would be torture, but I thoroughly enjoyed it! I listened to Christmas music (yes, it's November now and yes, I am already in full on Christmas mode) and simply enjoyed the solitude. I actually have many fond memories of that drive. I've been coming to Utah for vacations (and even lived here for about 18 months) since I was a teenager. I loved quietly reminiscing as I drove through the little towns along the US89. I even stopped in Orderville to see my third great-grandfather's grave. I'm sad to say that was my first time stopping. All these years, I've driven by and didn't even realize he was there. He lived there when the early saints were practicing the United Order. I actually didn't know much about him until I visited his grave site (which Krystle had done on one of her trips and inspired me to do the same) and decided to read up on him on the Family Tree website. I am grateful for my pioneer heritage. Many of my ancestors were part of the early Saints who were driven West. Many of them settled areas of Utah and Arizona. Many of them were leaders...and all of them were incredibly amazing in their faith and strength! As I left the grave site, I wondered who would visit my grave. What kind of legacy would I leave behind? Or will I simply be forgotten? I guess the quest of our lives is to live a life worth remembering. I hope I can be that person that my third great grandchild will someday visit.

Next stop, Flagstaff! Tyler is going to school at NAU and had pity on his old aunt to find time in his schedule for a free lunch. I enjoyed catching up with him. I can't believe that my siblings and I are entering that stage of life where we have adult children. Thankfully, our adult kids are making positive choices and still think we're worthy of their time.

Finally, I made it "home". I know AZ hasn't been my home for nearly 7 years, but it will always be in my heart. AZ contains 90% of all my childhood memories. It was good to be home, even if only for about 36 hours. In that time, I hit a couple of my favorite food places, got a pedicure with Nichole, visited my grandma and aunt's grave, and watched a couple Hallmark Christmas movies with my mom. It may have been a quick trip and I may not have done anything super exciting, but it was just what I needed to realize "home" isn't really the place as much as it is the space it occupies in my heart.

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