Wednesday, August 26, 2020

School starts!

Finally! The interminable summer of 2020 has ended! I'm not sure who was more excited to return to school - the boys or me! Danny started high school this year. I can't believe it! How do they grow up so fast?! He was more than ready to go. While we don't yet know the fate of his wrestling season, he is still enjoying the high school experience. He has fun classes (ceramics, welding, co-ed sports, etc.) to accompany the academically necessary ones (although he'd rather have all fun classes), and in just a few months, he'll be able to drive himself. Life is changing quickly for him! Buckle up because I'm sure it will be an adventure!

Jonas started school a week after Danny...and he was more than ready too! We weren't able to do an in-person meet-the-teacher, but we did get a little virtual tour of his classroom and the teacher.

The night before he started felt like Christmas Eve. He could barely contain his excitement. He woke up early and got ready by himself. The wait from when Danny left to when he got to leave felt like an eternity to him! He endured my excessive pictures before walking with me to where the bus would pick him up. There were no tears (on his part) as he bounded up the bus steps, but as I saw that big yellow beast swallow up my child, a tear or two trailed down my face. Why does he have to grow up? I drove over to the school to meet him when he got off the bus so I could walk with him to the kindergarten area. That was the only time he exhibited any sense of anxiety, but it was brief. As soon as we entered the kindergarten area, he was excited to play with classmates and start his new adventure. He did give me one final hug before I left. This is going to be an exciting year for both boys!

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