Thursday, March 17, 2022

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Our day was pretty busy, but not too busy that we couldn't enjoy a little holiday fun. First, Lucky the Leprechaun, visited us last night. He created a fun scavenger hunt for Jonas to find his "treasure". While many kids create elaborate devices to see if they can trap the leprechaun, Jonas chooses to be kind so that Lucky will leave a good treasure...and he did. Jonas (and Danny) got several treats that were either green, gold, or rainbow. Additionally, he received some books that he can read and some army toys. Danny got a gift card to the place where he likes to grab lunch. 

After the treasure hunt, Jonas put on his "lucky" shirt, and I prepared a festive breakfast. The rest of the day was pretty normal. Jonas said they played St. Patrick's Day bingo and did a craft. He even said that the leprechaun visited their class while he was at recess and threw their backpacks all over the floor. Silly Leprechaun! Thankfully, Jonas chooses to be nice to our leprechaun so he doesn't make messes. 

For dinner, I made shepherd's pie, Irish cheddar scones (or biscuits), and lime bars...then we were off to Jonas's wrestling practice and Danny's lacrosse game. It seems like these holidays come and go so quickly; yet, we still try to find time to celebrate them.

(Speaking of that, Monday (3.14) was "pi" day. Lest you think I forgot, I didn't! We had pizza "pie" for dinner and razzleberry pie for dessert. Something simple and perhaps silly but anything to make a day feel a little more special.)

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