Friday, March 17, 2023

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day! I love how each month of the new year holds a fun little holiday. Never anything big or spectacular; just a little something to have fun with. In January, we have Chinese New Year. February brings Valentines Day and the Super Bowl. In March, we have St. Patrick's Day (and sometimes Easter). Easter follows in April. Mother's Day and Father's Day round out May and June  (oh...and I always throw in Cinco de Mayo in May and Nation Donut Day in June too) with the 4th bringing on the fireworks in July. Each of these days provide us an excuse to break out of the monotony and do something a little special. I know some people may celebrate these holidays in a grander scale or there may be other little days they choose to commemorate that we don't (e.g., Mario day on Mar10, Star Wars day on May 4th, etc. etc. etc.); bottom line, life is meant to be why not find reasons to celebrate? It doesn't have to be big. Just something. Well that was today...just something a little special. I forget how much Jonas looks forward to these holidays. The day before, he expressed his excitement over what the Leprechaun would possibly bring him. He, of course, hoped for a king sized Twix bar...the rest was negotiable. While some families or kids may set traps for the Leprechaun (whom we affectionately call, Lucky), Jonas refuses to do so. He thinks that if he sets a trap that Lucky won't bring him instead of little tricks or messes, Lucky leaves a scavenger hunt for Jonas to locate the "treasure" at the end. Jonas was able to quickly move through all the clues and find the green/gold/rainbow stash Lucky left behind for both Danny and Jonas. The day got even better when Jonas realized we were having cereal (Lucky Charms) for breakfast. (We usually try to give the boys more healthy options for breakfast so cereal is just a weekend treat.) At school, Jonas got to enjoy themed activities throughout the day, including someone who came to the school to show the kids traditional Irish dances and music. That evening, I made Irish beef pies with mashed potatoes and asparagus. For dessert, we had some mint ice cream with mint cookies. Just a little something fun. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

(And lest anyone thinks I forgot...yes, we celebrated "Pi" Day on Tuesday, 3.14, too. I just grabbed some pizza "pies" for dinner and made a frozen lemonade pie for dessert. Nothing big...just something fun.)

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