Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! I know I've said that this holiday isn't my favorite, but that doesn't mean I don't love to celebrate it...in my own semi-small way. This, of course, includes our annual family Halloween & pumpkin carving party. (And this is perhaps my favorite Halloween celebration!) As in years passed, we invited the kids and a few nieces/nephews to join us for a soup and pumpkin-shaped bread bowl dinner with yummy, spooky desserts on the Sunday before Halloween (10/29). This year, we added a cauldron. Yup...that cauldron that Jeff found in Silverton was our centerpiece. We added some root beer to the dry ice and had our own spooky spell. The little kids loved it. Speaking of little kids, I made a toys and treats scavenger hunt again this year. Jonas would read the clues and all the kids would run to wherever Jonas told them to go. As they did the scavenger hunt, the older kids started on their pumpkin masterpieces. I think this was one of the best years yet! Plus, the costumes were so fun! (Dallin didn't dress up this year, but then again, Jeff never does. This year, I was "life"...handing out lemons...and Jeff was the lemonade I made out of the situation. Haha!) I love gathering family. Yes, it gets a little crazy, but I love making memories with them...and I love that they still want to join our festivities. One of these days, I will pass the torch to them, but for now, I enjoy hosting all the craziness. 

Halloween Day was pretty busy! Jonas loved it because, even though he went to school, he didn't do a single academic activity all day. We started our day with our traditional Halloween breakfast then he headed to school. Once he got there, he quickly got back on a bus and headed to the Scera Theater where I met him and his class for a field trip. We saw the musical play, Flat Stanley. It was cute! After that, he returned to the school where he had lunch, went to PE, participated in the school's Halloween parade, then had a class party with games, caramel apples, and the Garfield Halloween movie. 

This year, Jonas decided to be a football player. After school, I picked him up and we headed to the Tanners house. Gma and Papa were just coming into town to be here for Camden's baptism this weekend so we decided to do Halloween all together since Gma and Papa have never trick-or-treated with these grandkids. It was so much fun! Krystle's neighborhood knows how to do Halloween. There were so many houses that were decorated to the hilt. Plus, several neighbors were serving cotton candy, hot dogs, or even BBQ beef sandwiches. Crazy! There were quite a few houses that handed out full sized candy bars or sodas. Jonas was in heaven! Not only did he get to hang out with his cousins, but he also got So. Much. CANDY! Halloween was a success!

And...not to be missed...yes, we still celebrated el Dia de los Muertos. It was kind of a small celebration but meaningful nonetheless. I love putting up our little "ofrenda" and remembering those that have passed. Other than the "ofrenda", we celebrated with a yummy tamale dinner...and of course, ample candy for dessert!


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