Monday, May 27, 2024


The month of May, at times, feels like a bit of a marathon. Once the weather starts to warm up, things get busy on the "farm". There are weeds to spray, trees to prune, flowers & veggies to plant, and so much more. There is a never ending  "to-do" list around the property and in the house. Little projects that had been pushed aside during the winter months come to the surface as the weather warms up. Spring cleaning becomes a real thing too! Then, on top of all that, we have all the end-of-the-year school stuff. Everything from last minute field trips to academic assemblies. Yet, there is also the pervasive excitement of Spring. We are surrounded by new life and fun possibilities. Events and activities start to take the place of a long winter of social hibernation. So let's break the month down...

Life around the "farm" has been busy. Most of the time, it's just boring chores and endless springtime routines...turn on the water, spray the yards, prune trees, plant vegetables, etc. However, it's been a little more fun this year as Carter and Everly have decided to "help" out on the days they're here. We love the opportunity to spend so much time with them. We are truly blessed to have all our children close to us and to get to see our grandchildren so often. This year, Jeff contracted with an asphalt company to get the lane paved. Carter was in heaven as he watched the different machines lay out, spread, and compact the asphalt. He then decided to help Grandpa lift a few gates so they could swing shut...and of course, there is always fun with a mountain of gravel to be played on! When I was cutting my tulips and prepping the soil for my summer flowers, Carter decided to help too...while Everly simply enjoyed a warm day and a cold popsicle. 

Jonas had several school activities this month. First up, he made the classroom cut for the 3rd grade spelling bee. He did so well! He lasted 3 rounds when the word "surprise" finally got him. He was understandably disappointed, but he was happy his friend, Angus, won. I love how he can exist in both emotions - sad and happy. I was super proud of him.

In other school news, he was awarded the Top Tiger award for his class for the month of May. I am so grateful that he chooses to do well in school. He is a naturally obedient kid, but he shows his teachers and classmates great respect. He is not perfect and there are definitely times that he will admit that he could have made better choices, but he always tries hard to make good choices. 

Jeff and I were able to find one free weekend to enjoy the beauty that Spring brings. We got to stroll through the gardens at Thanksgiving Point for the Tulip Festival. The tulips were in full bloom and totally showing off their brilliant colors. It was nice to find a night to escape with my best friend. I love all the fun activities that May brings, but sometimes the busy-ness gets to be a little much...but I still embrace the pace!

Jonas had his 3rd grade track meet this month too. He was so excited to finally be old enough to participate. He decided to run the 50 and 100 meter dashes as well as participate in the standing long jump event. He did well on everything! He was easily in the top 20 for all events, but he did not win. He, of course, was a little sad. He was so certain that he would be one of the fastest runners...and he was. In all actuality, he was one of the top runners and jumpers out of all the 3rd grade classes from Payson to Genola. He took pride in that even if he didn't take home a medal.

He did, however, take home THREE medals from his first ever Taekwondo tournament. He really practiced hard leading up to the event. He participated in three events: continuous sparring, forms, and escrima sparring. He took home the gold in his division for forms and continuous sparring. He even did so well in forms that he was able to participate in the "grand champion" event with all the gold medal finishers from each of the divisions, including the black belts. And, he took some the silver medal for escrima sparring. To be honest, I was more proud of that medal than his other two. The event includes three one-minute sparring rounds. He was up first and won the first round. His opponent won the second and ultimately the third. Jonas was overcome with emotion as he graciously exited the match after his loss. He knew that he wouldn't win the gold medal at that point; yet, in his grief, he still showed excellent sportsmanship when he congratulated his opponent. He then had to get back on the mat and fight the next guy. He had to get his head back in the game...and he did...and he won. So many life lessons can be learned in the toughest matches. 

This month, Jonas also had not one but TWO field trips! He was so excited to actually go on field trips this year. He hasn't done many in previous years, but this year he got to do three. (One he did in the fall when he went to see Flat Stanley at the Scera Theater in Orem.) First up, the Clark Planetarium in SLC. They have been studying about the solar system in their science curriculum so this was a fun experience. They discussed weather and climate, got to explore the different exhibits, then got to watch a 3D movie on ocean life. 

For his final field trip, the 3rd grade classes walked to Peteetneet Museum in Payson to learn a little more about Payson's history (another subject of study this year: community). Jonas actually really enjoyed looking at all the displays, especially (and not surprisingly) the military room. After the museum, we all walked to Memorial Park for a picnic lunch and to allow the kids to play.

Jonas's last week of school was filled with lots of fun activities too. He had an ice cream party for achieving his multiplication and division tables. The teachers also held a "Tiger store" where the kids could purchase items with the "tiger bucks" they had earned during the year for good behaviors. (Jonas bought a kickball.) And, there was the annual field day. I got to help out with the tug-of-war station. Other stations included a basketball shootout, 4-square, and other relays. The Payson City Fire Department also showed up to douse the kids with water from the water cannon. Jonas loved that the most! I can't believe school is out! Where did the time go? (See the pics of Jonas from his first to his last days of 3rd grade. I'd say he's grown a bit!)

You would think that would be enough...but no! Jonas had his end-of-year piano recital on May 18th. (And earlier in the day, we attended Addie's dance recital! She was so cute!) He played two pieces - one he composed himself. I am proud of how dedicated he is. I know he doesn't always love practicing, but he does love having the ability to play the piano. I hope he'll continue for several more years. 

As if all of that wasn't enough (plus the week trip to Georgia for Amber's graduation from GA SW State University with her MBA), we still managed to celebrate a couple of holidays as well. At the beginning of the month, we honored Cinco de Mayo with a carne asada dinner and a couple of piñatas. It wasn't anything big, but I will never pass up a reason to gather the family together to celebrate. Krystle (and fam) and Scott joined us too. Gotta keep us native Arizonans together for Cinco de Mayo! This was definitely a holiday that was commemorated in AZ as we were growing up. Scott showed up in his best Mexican attire...or at least how they dressed when we were young. The kids loved smacking the piñatas. I was grateful I bought three! 

At the end of the month, we honored Memorial Day. It was a fun-filled family weekend! I picked up the Tanner cousins on Friday for the first sleepover of summer. I took the kids to the cemetery to honor those brave men and women who have fought to preserve our freedoms. Afterwards, we went to see the new movie, IF. The rest of the time they just wanted to swim! Let's just say our pool was fully broken in for summer by the end of the weekend. After they left, the Southwicks rolled in! Stan, Kristi, Bennett, Maci, and Carson came into town (as well as Brad). All of our kids (plus Dallin's girlfriend, Audrey) and Grant & Liz came over too. (Mitchell, Grace & Cody, and Evan, Kristina, Thomas, & Westley joined us throughout the weekend also.) We spent the rest of the evening playing volleyball, pickle ball, swimmimg, and just hanging out. It was actually a really nice weekend together. We don't often get everyone together because of all of our crazy schedules; then, when we do get together, it's usually for a big event (e.g., graduation, mission, wedding, etc.) so it's not as relaxed. It was nice that this was just a long holiday weekend with no real agenda other than hanging out together. Sunday and Monday were just that. We just hung out at the house, played yard games, swam, and ate lots of food! Monday morning we did go to our ward's annual Memorial Day breakfast then spent the rest of the day at the house. I can't think of a better way to round out the crazy month and kick off summer than just hanging out with family.

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