Thursday, November 24, 2016


Thanksgiving weekend was FULL of food, family and fun! I'm sure I sound like a broken record, but I seriously can't believe that it's already Thanksgiving! I hate that this time of year seems to fly by faster than the rest. This is the time of year I want to slow down and enjoy more. I guess I just need to make that happen. I need to stop and "smell the pumpkin and peppermint" so to speak. Well, I did relish the slower pace of this weekend. I loved that Jeff didn't have to work. I loved having my best friend around for 4 days straight! I loved watching the boys enjoy time with their cousins. I loved spending time with siblings-in-law and parents-in-law. I feel incredibly lucky to have married into such a loving, kind, accepting...and crazy family! I was able to reflect on my life this weekend as I contemplated the blessings I'm grateful for. There is too much to list, but on the top of that list is my faith and my family. I was born into the greatest family EVER! I love my siblings. They are my best friends. I love my parents. They have always been my biggest cheerleaders. I am grateful that I was raised in a church that taught me to have faith in the unseen and to serve the needs I see. I am eternally grateful to have been led to a man that is my best friend and my greatest love. I can't imagine my life without him. I am grateful for his love, his mercy, his patience, his support. I am grateful that I am his everything and he is mine. I am grateful that I have been blessed with four children that I didn't bear and one that I did. Motherhood has been the most monumental challenge yet the most gratifying blessing in my life. My heart is full. My life is full. I am not sure why I have been so blessed, but I am truly humbled and grateful for all I have.

We started our Thanksgiving festivities on Wednesday night with our annual pie night. Stan, Kristi, and their boys came into town that night. We loved having family, friends and neighbors over to enjoy a sugary feast! Pie is definitely something that deserves it's own night. This year I made a pecan pie cheesecake with caramel topping and candied pecans. It was DELICIOUS!

Thanksgiving Thursday Katie hosted our dinner. I made homemade mashed potatoes and green bean casserole to add to the turkey, sweet potatoes, rolls, etc. All the food was delicious! But it didn't end with the dinner! Seriously! 20 minutes after we cleaned up, Katie breaks out another counter full of "snacks" for the evening! I couldn't believe it. I think we could have fed a small nation with all the food. The rest of the evening we played games, worked on puzzles, watched football, and just enjoyed being with family.

This was round 2!

Friday morning, Brad came down to visit before Stan and Kristi headed back to Idaho Falls. I loved having so much time to just be together as a family. It was sad to see everyone go...but we consoled ourselves by putting up the Christmas decorations! Bring on the next holiday! This truly is the most wonderful time of the year!

I couldn't have asked for a better Thanksgiving weekend!

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