Tuesday, July 4, 2017

4th of July!

This is fast becoming one of my favorite holidays. I don't think it ever registered on my top 10 when I lived in AZ because it was always too hot to really do anything. When I was little, we would go up on the roof to watch the fireworks and eat donuts (which I loved and are some of my fondest childhood memories), but those days passed and the fireworks became something I'd watch on the TV. Don't get me wrong. I always get choked up when I sing the Star Spangled Banner or see our glorious flag after a trip abroad. I love our nation. I am so grateful for the brave men (and women) that committed treason against the King of England to set us free. I am grateful for the men and women who currently fight to maintain that freedom. This is a significantly poignant holiday...but it wasn't fun celebrating it in 110+ degrees in AZ. Fast forward several years and now I actually get to sit under the glittering firework spectacle as a cacophony of sounds barrage our neighborhood. I love that family, friends, and neighbors gather together on this evening to share in our love for our country. I really love how much fun I had with my little family today.

We started our holiday with a hike up the White Pine Trail in Santaquin Canyon. This is one of my favorite little hikes. I love Santaquin Canyon. I fell in love with Jeff in Santaquin Canyon. I have many fond memories of camping in this canyon...and I couldn't think of a better way to start off the day that we celebrate this nation than to be outside admiring the beauty of this amazing country. Jeff's parents joined the boys, Jeff and I on our little hike. We had fun trudging through the stream, finding beaver tracks, tossing rocks into the water, and so much more. The boys even found a large boulder that must have fallen from the mountaintop and was now blocking the path. They decided to try to move it. I think the boulder moved them more, especially Dallin who snapped the log he was using as a lever and fell back into a rock. Ouch!

Jonas let Dallin dunk his head in the freezing water...then asked to do it again!

After our hike, we ran home to clean up, get lunch, and grab the girls (and their dates) then head to the movies. We saw Cars 3. It was Jonas's first movie. He fell asleep on the way over and slept for the first half hour, but when he woke up, he actually did well. He watched the movie on Jeff's lap and was quiet with his lemonade, popcorn, and fruit snack.

That evening, Jeff's parents joined us again for a BBQ dinner before the fireworks show. I grew up grilling hamburgers for the 4th (yes...even in 110+ weather my dad would fire up the hot grill to make sure we had hamburgers on the 4th) so that's what I decided to make for our festivities. Add a little watermelon and corn on the cob and we had quite the tasty meal.

Finally, evening fell and the boys geared up for their pyrotechnic duties. I think they like the 4th just as much as I do because it's one night I actually let them play with lighters and matches. We had a blast watching the fireworks show. All our neighbors came out to visit and share in the revelry. We ate desserts and chatted and simply enjoyed being together. It was the perfect way to end the perfect day! I hope everyone had a fabulous 4th!

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