Friday, July 27, 2018

Jonas's 3rd Birthday

How can our baby be 3?! Where did the time go?! Each time I look at him, I discover he is turning more and more into a little boy and less and less like a baby. Some days that makes me sad (like today), but other days I love stepping back to witness this remarkable evolution from baby to boy to man. Jonas continues to be such a joy. We are constantly amazed at how much knowledge he retains and how observant he is (which can be dangerous! We definitely have to be careful what we do or say around him). He talks like a little adult because that's really all he's surrounded by. He always tries to do anything and everything his big brothers do. He can be quite bossy though. He often tries to police Dallin and Daniel. He definitely doesn't lack in confidence! Yet, he is tender. He identifies emotions and recognizes the role his behaviors can play in those emotions. He is clean and organized. He knows where everything goes, and he doesn't like to be dirty. He completes our family. We don't know what we would do without him.

Jonas has enjoyed a month of birthday celebrations! I finally had to make a paper chain because he was so excited and kept asking when his birthday would be. However, I think he was initially a little confused when he would have these pre-celebrations, but there would still be links on his paper chain. Still, that didn't stop him from enjoying all the little parties. It started with a trip to get a "birthday" donut (his favorite treat) with Gma Martie and Papa then open a gift from them before they went back to AZ. He loved the Paw Patrol track he received! Paw Patrol is his current obsession. We can't get him to watch anything else.

Since Nichole, Tyler, and Kate were still in town, we had his motorbike themed birthday party before they went back to AZ. Krystle and her family, Gma Penny and Grumpy, and Katie and Greg also joined us. I was actually really pleased at how well Jonas did playing with his cousins, Nolan, Camden and Lincoln. Jonas hasn't had to share much so it's hard for him when he has to do so when they come over to play. However, he did amazingly well today! We started the party with a few motorbike themed carnival games before having a yummy lunch. Jonas did well at taking turns in the games.

After lunch, he opened presents. This was the part I was really concerned about. I thought for sure he wouldn't let anyone touch his new toys, but to my surprise, he allowed his cousins to play with him and his gifts.

Finally, we had cake! Each year, I try to make a themed cake. They may not be anything spectacular, but I have fun. Jonas loved his cake! Not only did it have a motorbike on it, but it was chocolate! When it came time to blow out the candles, Jonas was initiated into the Southwick tradition of preventing the birthday person from extinguishing their candles. Honestly, I don't think Jonas really knew what was going on. He just kept trying to blow them out until he was successful. I think the best part of the day for me was when Jonas told me it was the "best birthday party" he'd ever had.

On his actual birthday, we celebrated some more. We started our day with a trip to Walmart to pick out a little toy. He chose a Lightning McQueen car (the only animated movie he'll relatively sit through) with Mack, the semi-truck.

For lunch, we met up with Jeff to enjoy some play time and chicken nuggets at Chick-fil-A (probably his favorite place to eat).
Afterwards, we went to the Provo Rec Center to swim. Jonas loves swimming! He especially loved that Daddy came along to through him up in the air and play with him. Jonas is more and more confident in his ability to maneuver around the water. This both scares and excites me. I better hurry up and make sure he at least knows how to doggy paddle and float - two skills he has yet to master.

That evening, Jeff and I got another small chocolate cake and let him blow out more candles. This time no one stopped him. Happy birthday Baby J!! We all love you!

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