Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! I can't believe it's already the end of October! Where did the year go? In fact, as I look at the calendar, it seems like from here to January is a very fast-paced slide right into Christmas then through New Years. Still, I love this time of the year. I love all the holidays...even this one. It's no secret that this isn't my favorite holiday, but I will never pass up an opportunity to celebrate with fun activities, festive foods, and of course one fabulous family! On Monday (October 29), we spent the evening carving pumpkins. Jeff and I kept Jonas's pretty simple, but the other kids decided to be a little more creative. However, Jonas decided that his green pumpkin needed a pumpkin friend so we actually carved two with him while the other kids were meticulously working on their creations.

Wednesday was Halloween! We started off with a healthy jack-o-lantern smoothie and ghost bananas with orange "pumpkin" pancakes. (I think my favorite part of this holiday is the fun holiday-themed foods.)

The rest of the day was pretty routine with a few exceptions. Jonas got to wear his costume to music class then we indulged in a festive Halloween donut thanks to a little monetary gift from Auntie Co Co.

The evening, I again prepared a festive meal with mummy dogs, mac and cheese jack-o-lanterns, candy corn veggie tray, Frankenstein sodas, with monster mash brownies for dessert.

Afterward, we headed to the church for our neighborhood's annual trunk-or-treat. At this point, the older boys disappeared with their friends for the rest of the night. However, Amber and Jonas stuck with us. I took Jonas around to the various "trunks" to get some treats while Jeff passed out the treats at our "trunk". (Amber insisted he "dress up" so she provided him a little bonnet and apron. Was he Little Miss Muffet? A grandma? Who knows?!)

This is the only Halloween picture I got of Dallin. Here he is with all of his friends. He's the man in the mask.

Jonas wasn't too excited about the trunk-or-treat. Some of the adults who were passing out candy were dressed up...and Jonas was a little scared. Ultimately, he just wanted to go back to hang out in our car. Still, we went around to most of the cars before he bailed.

Once the candy ran out, we packed up and headed to Gma Penny's house to do some real trick-or-treating. Jonas LOVED this! All of the sudden, his Halloween spirit came alive. He ran from house to house as he knocked on the doors to get his candy treats. We visited a dozen houses before we called it quits.

Finally, we made it home and sorted Jonas's candy. He chose his favorite candies to keep then donated the rest to the Switch Witch who takes the candy to those boys and girls who didn't get any. She then replaces his candy donation with a toy. All in all, I would say it was successful Halloween!

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