Thursday, February 14, 2019

February holidays

Since coming home from the cruise, life has resumed its normal routine. I still can't believe the cruise is over! I can't believe how quickly time passes. It is crazy to think of all the changes that will occur in this family in 2019. Life is all about finding joy in the journey. You have to make the best of each day. Sometimes that's easier said than done. Unfortunately, there are days that I can't wait to end and am unable to find the joy in. However, I am incredibly lucky because those days are few and far between. Life is meant to be celebrated. It's fun to create moments and memories out of the mundane. I guess that's why I enjoy finding the fun little, often overlooked, holidays to celebrate. Chinese New Year (and Cinco de Mayo) falls into that category. Each year, the new year date changes. This year it happened two days after we returned from the cruise. Even with all the post-cruise craziness, I still found time to make a yummy Chinese food dinner and give the kids some "pig" paraphernalia. (It's the year of the pig.)

Another more commercialized and widely celebrated holiday happened this month as well - Valentines Day! This is another fun one for me. Starting on February 1st, I put little hearts on the kids' and Jeff's door listing reasons why I love him/her. It is something I start thinking about and preparing for in January. It is a beautiful way for me to reflect on that individual person and his/her positive qualities and traits. I will be the first to admit that I am not a perfect parent (or person). Sometimes I fail to recognize the positive traits and focus on those traits/qualities that I find fault in.  I can try to justify it by rationalizing that I'm trying to foster good future habits in my children, but sometimes I need to simply let him/her be him/her. When I sit down and write out 14 positive things about each person in my home, I am incredibly humbled by the amazing family I have. I am grateful for those positive traits they have and what they teach me.

On the 14th, Jeff and I gave the kids a sugary smorgasbord! Because what says "I love you" more than sugar?! The older kids also got a Wendy's gift card (one of their preferred fast food places) and Jonas got another Rescuebot (his current obsession). (Jeff and I exchanged some heartfelt cards then on Friday (15th), we went to a new restaurant for dinner (TRU Religion - Pancakes and Steak) and to see a play (Comedy of Errors by Shakespeare) at BYU.)

That evening, Danny, Jeff, Jonas and I went to dinner at Dalton's. (Dallin went to Idaho for an indoor track meet and Amber was studying late at BYU.) It was a delicious dinner with some of my favorite people. I don't know of a better way to end the day.

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