Wednesday, July 10, 2019

See you in 2!

Today we said, "See you in 2!" to Dallin. I have to say it was the best/worst experience. I realize that Jeff and I have already sent out two missionaries, but it was different with Dallin. With the girls, they had already moved out for a year prior to the missions. We were already kind of used to them being gone, but with Dallin, we go from having him home with us to just gone for two years. There have been so many people that have tried to alleviate my sadness by reminding me of how good this experience will be for him or how this is just a part of life, but it doesn't decrease the grief I feel to say goodbye. Nothing will ever be the same again. When he comes home, he will have changed and grown into a man (which, yes, is a very good thing!). He will move out, go to college, eventually get married, etc. It's all good stuff, but it's just change. Plus, Dallin has probably been the easiest teen we've had thus far. It has been a privilege and honor to watch him grow up and enjoy his high school years. I have loved how easy it has been to parent him. I love the group of friends he has. I love the obedient, kind, hard-working young man he is. Jeff has joked that he is losing his "right-hand man". Again, yes...I know this is all good stuff, but when the reality of his absence hits me in the face, I still cry. I know it will get easier. I know I will get to the point that his absence won't elicit tears. I know I will love reading his weekly emails. I am excited for his adventures. I look forward to the changes he will experience and the faith that he will gain...but not today. Today I cried. Today I felt a piece of my heart walk away with Dallin. It never ceases to amaze me how much a mama's heart can feel. Today it feels a little broken...tomorrow will be better.
Packing up! I definitely won't miss this part...all the planning, shopping, preparing, etc.

Yesterday, Dallin had to say goodbye to his friends. He went to the temple with them before coming back to the house to have ice cream sundaes and work on a puzzle they started on the 4th. I think this was the hardest part for Dallin. I know he's going to miss his family, but there is so much uncertainty as to whether or not he'll actually see these friends again. They have been such an integral part of his high school experience. Now life changes...for everyone.

That evening, Dallin was set apart as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He was blessed to learn the language, have health and strength, be safe, but most of all, to love the people and experience the Atonement. What more could I ask for my son?

Finally, the day arrived - July 10, 2019 - the day we dropped him off at the Provo MTC to start the best/hardest/happiest/most heart wrenching two years of his life. He was assigned to be dropped off at the MTC at 1:30 p.m. I think that was the hardest part...waiting! In the morning, we finalized his packing and just hung out at the house before meeting up with family at Cafe Rio for his last lunch before the MTC. There were actually several other elders/sisters at Cafe Rio. They were easily identified and one of them, Elder Young, is going to the same mission! What an incredible coincidence...or was it? Briefly talking to Elder Young, I could see Dallin experience a spark of excitement. He wasn't alone. Here was another young man going to the same mission with whom Dallin will most likely associate in the MTC.

Some goodbyes were said at the restaurant and some were said in the field in front of the Provo temple where we also snapped a few pictures. To be honest, I was doing great until I gave him a hug. At that point, I couldn't stop the tears. I really am going to miss him. I know he is going to do great things. I know he will love his mission. I know he'll be ok, but that doesn't stop the ache I feel anticipating his absence.

I pulled myself together long enough to drive him into the MTC with Jeff, Amber, Danny, and Jonas. As we pulled into the drop-off line, another young elder with a "host" tag came running alongside our car to help Dallin with his luggage and to show him where to go. As that young man approached our car, we immediately recognized him! It was Michael Told (Jeff's best friend's son)! Coincidence? Again, I don't think so. I think this was very much a loving Father in Heaven telling me that He was going to take care of my son. To be honest, I was ready to say goodbye (not to say that I didn't start to cry again with my last hug). Dallin was ready to say goodbye. We were all ready and excited to start these next two years, but my mama heart worried if Dallin would be ok during those first few days of separation. Would the homesickness set in? Would it affect his ability to focus on what he is doing? Seeing Dallin meet Elder Young and watching him walk away with Elder Told, I just knew he was now in the Lord's hands and that the Lord was very aware of all of us. He is going to take care of Dallin. I don't need to worry anymore. I know Dallin will experience some difficult things over the next two years (e.g., heartbreaking experiences, difficult companions, indifferent investigators, etc.), but he will be fact, he'll be better than ok. He'll be more humble, stronger, wiser, better. With one last shout of "I love you", Dallin smiled then turned towards the MTC and the next two years with a determination to be his best self and above all, share his love and faith with everyone! See you in 2!

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