Saturday, July 24, 2021

Pioneer Day

This past week has been the quiet before the next storm. It has been nice to have a routine week, but as I look at the calendar ahead, there's no more routine! Dallin will be home next Wednesday! I can't believe it! I wish I could say that it seems like it went so quickly, but it hasn't...especially these last couple of weeks. We are all too excited that he's coming home. Jeff and I have been busy getting things in order for his arrival (e.g., securing an apartment for him to live in, getting his phone set up, working with him on school schedule/financial aid, etc.). Even though we've missed him, we are so proud of what he has done. The mission has taken an already good boy and turned him into a faithful, focused, fearless young man. We are excited for his next big adventure. In any case, back to the present. This weekend is just the beginning of the craziness that is planned for the next 3ish weeks until school starts! We kicked off the crazy with a night (Friday, July 23) at the Fiesta Days Rodeo in Spanish Fork. Jonas was actually the one who expressed interest in attending the rodeo...and who was I to disappoint him? I enjoy watching the rodeo. I love the down-home, god-fearing, good-ol'-boy nature of the people who attend. I love watching the rodeo royalty ride in with the flag. I love seeing cowboy hats over hearts as we sing the National Anthem. And, I love the rodeo clowns. Haha! It's just an evening of fun entertainment. Laurin, Casey, Jacob, and Amber joined us too. (Carter got to spend the evening with great-aunt Katie.) It was an awesome night with my favorite people.

Yes...Jonas seems to be more interested in the little girl than in taking a picture with me.

Danny's down there on the end...trying his best to avoid the picture.

Jonas thought he could ride a bull..or just Jeff.
The next day, Saturday (July 24th), was Pioneer Day. This is just a state-specific holiday that honors the men and women who came to Utah before it was ever a state. These faithful, relentless people forged frozen rivers, walked thousands of miles, endured countless deaths and illnesses, etc. to find a place where they could worship as they desired. Many of my ancestors were a part of those faithful pioneers. In fact, my third great-grandfather entered the Salt Lake Valley two days (July 22nd) before the prophet, Brigham Young. I am forever grateful for their fortitude and strength. I would like to think some of that was genetically passed down to me...and on to the next generations. Jeff, Jonas, and I started our day with a community breakfast for one of our neighboring wards. Afterwards, there were a few chores to be done around the house before enjoying the evening with family again. We had a yummy pioneer-esque dinner with steak, baked potatoes, corn on the cob, and homemade biscuits and honey. For dessert, we had homemade pies with whipped cream. We then killed time just hanging out and enjoying each other's company before setting off a few fireworks we'd saved from the 4th. It wasn't much. In fact, most of the day was spent toiling and working on our little 5-acres...which I guess was more in homage to the pioneers than our celebrations. However, it was just nice to be together and enjoy the blessings these pioneers gave to us with their sacrifices - the blessings of this beautiful state we get to live in, the blessings of religious freedoms, and the blessings of eternal families.

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