Friday, October 22, 2021

A Trip to the Zoo

Today Jonas didn't have school and Laurin didn't have work so we decided to meet up at Hogle Zoo. We hadn't seen Laurin and Carter (and Casey) in a few weeks so it was fun to meet up and spend a few hours together. It was Carter's first trip to the zoo! He was largely unimpressed...haha. I think the animals were too far away or too still for him to notice their movements or that there was anything in the enclosures. He did engage with the seals because he was close enough to see them swimming by. Jonas, on the other hand, enjoyed all the animals. He especially liked the big cats and the monkeys. I simply enjoyed being with my family. I loved that Laurin was willing to come down to spend a few hours with us and it's always fun to see the world through Carter's eyes. He is the best the grandson! (and the only...but let's not count that right now). Here are just a few pictures from our fun day together.

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