Thursday, May 5, 2022

Feliz Cinco de Mayo! know me...any excuse to have a party and I'm there! I love to find reasons to celebrate what could simply be a mundane day. Growing up in AZ, Cinco de Mayo was a holiday. Here it isn't, but that didn't stop me from making the evening special. As the kids grow up and move on, these smaller holiday celebrations (or observances) tend to get a little smaller but no less fun. Tonight we picked up Cafe Rio for dinner (because it had already been a super busy day!). As luck would have it, Dallin was over for the day helping on the new little house so he got to join us. We enjoyed dinner then waited for Danny to get home from lacrosse practice before cracking open a piñata for dessert. In all, the festivities lasted about a half hour but we laughed hard during that time. Jonas isn't used to being blindfolded to hit the piñata and has yet to learn to utilize his other senses to locate it. He was swinging all over the place, but so were the older boys too! Jeff was pulling that piñata up and down the zipline. The older boys would swing so hard that they would knock themselves to the ground without even hitting the colorful little donkey. Fun doesn't have to be over-the-top to be memorable. It's about making memories in the minuscule moments. It's about taking time to create fun. It's about being with family. Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

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