Friday, January 19, 2024

Happy 11th Anniversary!

This year our anniversary fell on a Friday. We contemplated escaping for an evening or doing something big, but life happened. Dallin needed surgery that day. Jonas had an early basketball game Saturday morning. Jeff had work stuff to attend to, etc. As I sat in the hospital, waiting for Dallin to return from surgery, I couldn't have been more grateful for the amazing life Jeff and I have built over the past 11 years. Yes...our day was just a typical mundane day-in-the-life of parents, business owners, partners...but what better way to honor our anniversary than to be in the thick of what we have created? We started our day as we usually do with scripture study, exercise, and homework. After Jonas got on the bus, I headed north to pick up Dallin for his surgery. (He broke his wrist and had hoped it would heal without surgery but after a few weeks in a cast, it was recommended that he put in a couple screws.) Jeff was busy during the day with normal work stuff. After Dallin's surgery, I got him settled at home then rushed back to Payson to pick up Jonas to take him to taekwondo. While he was in taekwondo, I ran to Costco to grab a few items, before finally returning home. Jeff and I did actually go out to dinner that evening at the Harvest Restaurant (one of our favorite places), and we did exchange gifts. This year's anniversary gift was "steel". Jeff got me a new set of stainless steel pots and pans, and I got him an orangutan (inside joke) with a "steel" ASL I Love You ornament. Just something simple. I honestly can't believe it's been 11 years. It feels like much less than that, but when I consider where we started and where we've come to...I'm proud of what we've accomplished in those years. I have seen miracles overcome seemingly hopeless situations. I have witnessed tender mercies in helpless moments. I have felt intense joy and pride where heartache and despair existed. And through it all, Jeff has been my constant. I can't imagine going through life without him by my side. He is the rock we all stand on. He is my best friend and my eternal love. Happy 11th anniversary to us!

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