Saturday, July 5, 2014

Summer 2014: Week 5 - 4th of July!

This week was much more relaxed than the previous 2 weeks...for which I was grateful. I'm not sure how Nichole keeps up her fast pace - perhaps all those "dirty diet cokes" have something to do with it. My parents and my brother, Michael, and his wife, Jenn came into town so much of the week was just spent hanging out with them. I'm so thankful to have a home that I can have visitors come to stay. I absolutely love being with my family so it was the perfect week for me. The first night everyone was here (Monday June 30th), we headed up Provo Canyon for a picnic dinner and S'mores. We were only missing Nichole's husband, Ryan, Scott's wife, Mel, and Amber. It was fun laughing with my siblings and watching how Jeff and the kids so easily interact with my family. I have been amazed at how smooth (relatively) this transition has gone. We have had plenty of bumps in the road and are still trying to get used to the new family situation, but all in all, it has been good. I think that is in large part to the amazing husband and kids I have. It made my heart smile to have practically all of my family together.

Nolan trying on Uncle Mikey's boots. I think he needs a few more years to grow into them.
It didn't take long for Danny to get in the water. He's my little fish!
Kaia, Kate and Danny
My sisters and Nolan
The fearsome four! Jordan, Jeff, Michael, and Scott

The original Shumways - Scott, Nichole, Michael, Mom, Dad, Me, Krystle
The men - Scott, Dad, Michael
The ladies - Nichole, Mom, Me, Krystle (Kind of funny how we went in order of height. Sorry Nichole!)
The siblings in order from right to left: Nichole, Me, Scott, Krystle, Michael
The rest of the week was fairly normal in the Southwick home. The girls are busy with work and the boys are busy with chores...well mostly. I think they think summer is all about playing...and with everything going on this summer, they're not too far off. I think it's going to be a rough adjustment for them once all our summer visitors go home and they go back to the normal, mundane summer routine. But for now, I guess they can still play. Nichole took her kids, the boys, and Jenn to Seven Peaks on Tuesday (July 1st). I was glad she was willing to do that because I'm not particularly fond of the crowds at Seven Peaks.
Tyler, Kate, Dallin, Danny
Dallin, Jackson Enloe, Tyler, and Hayden Enloe
Wednesday (2nd) and Thursday (3rd) I was getting ready for the next week's adventure - the cruise! Since I was busy making sure the house was in order and the final preparations for the trip, we didn't do much. My parents, Michael and Jenn were still staying at our house so we would still venture out for parts of the day to enjoy the time together. On one of our ventures, I dropped the boys off at Lowes Xtreme Airsports while I had lunch with my parents, Jeff, Michael and Jenn at Black Sheep Cafe. It's one of our favorite places to eat in downtown Provo. Afterwards, Jeff went back to work and I took my mom, Michael and Jenn to the Springville Museum of Art before heading home to have a big family dinner. Finally, Friday (4th) rolled around and it was time for me to play too. I'd finished all the basic preparations for the trip and making sure the house was in order. We just had to pack, but not before enjoying a small town parade to kick off our 4th of July holiday! I have to admit that I do like these small town festivals. They are pretty much all the same so it's redundant to hit all of them, but it's fun to visit a few. I like the fellowship you feel as you walk around and see friends and acquaintances. It almost makes me feel like I'm in a Hallmark movie. I especially loved that we were able to do this on the 4th. I feel so incredibly grateful to live in a country where I can enjoy these experiences without fear. I look at what is happening around the world and am unable to imagine the daily fear that envelopes certain nations that are in war. I can't imagine living in a land permeated with hatred. I don't think I would be able to deal with my freedoms being restricted because of communistic dominion. I am beyond thankful for our founding fathers who basically committed treason to allow us the right to build this country and this nation in such a way as to be able to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In any case, we enjoyed the parade then walked around the vendor booths prior to grabbing a quick lunch and running home to pack before the evening festivities.
Me and my handsome boys! 
My prince charming and I. (I promise the girls were there but they were always too busy for a picture!)
Dallin and Danny waiting for some candy. 
Danny going for the catch!
Later that evening, Krystle and Jordan joined my parents, Michael, Jenn and my little family for a 4th of July feast. We had burgers with watermelon, veggies, and chips. What is more American than a good burger...ok, maybe a hotdog but we had those too! If I wasn't going out of town the next day, I would have made more, but as it was this was more than enough!
For dessert, Krystle and Jenn made red, white and blue cake balls that we devoured along with my 4th of July red, white and blue fruit cup with strawberries, blueberries, whipped cream, and angel food cake.

Finally, the moment the boys had been pining for all day had arrived...FIREWORKS!! We met up with some neighbors and had a neighborhood fireworks show. Everyone brought over what they bought and  all the boys spent the next half hour or more being in pyro-heaven. I was actually pretty impressed with some of the fireworks. I thought it was the perfect way to end the 4th! Hopefully, this will become our neighborhood tradition. It's much better than fighting crowds!

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