Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Called to Serve!

Today Dallin received his mission call to serve as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! We had been anticipating this day for what seemed like forever (but was really only about a week and a half). In the weeks preceding this day, Dallin filled out paperwork, had doctor and dentist appointments, received interviews from church leaders...and watched several friends open their emails instructing them where they would serve. It has been an exciting time! Dallin's two best friends, Tanner Dehart and Tyler Chisholm, both received their calls a week or so before Dallin. Tanner received the call to serve in the Colombia Medellin mission, and Tyler was called to serve in the El Salvador San Salvador/West Belize mission. Other friends have been called to serve in Madagascar, Texas, Guam, etc. I knew wherever Dallin was instructed to serve, he would serve with every ounce of his heart, might, mind, and strength...because that is who he is. I am so proud of the man he has and continues to become. It is not easy to decide to put your life on hold for 2 years so that you can go spread the good news of Christ's gospel and share His peace and love with others. It's not easy to say goodbye to family and friends for 24 months. It's not easy to know people will reject your faith and trample your beliefs. Yet, he has chosen to serve as a representative of Jesus Christ. He has chosen to share what he knows with others; in hopes that someone, somewhere will accept this beautiful message and find the peace he/she seeks. I know Dallin had a flurry of emotions leading up to the moment he opened the email to read his mission call. I too had a flurry of emotions. I was anxious to know where he would go (and what challenges he would face with just the location). I was nervous that he would be disappointed (although that's not who he is) if he didn't receive a call to serve a foreign mission like so many of his friends. I was proud of the fact that he was willing to take this journey in his life. I was elated to see so many friends and family come out to support him. And...I was a little sad as I contemplated the next two years without him here at home. Dallin received an email around 9:30 a.m. informing him that the letter informing him where he would serve and when he would need to report was in his missionary portal on the Church's official website. I'm not sure how he did it, but he waited until 8:00 that evening to open that letter! In the meantime, we contacted family and friends to join us, and I decorated the house for the occasion. He also had a track meet after school! He is only doing high jump this year. He jumped 5'10"...not his best, but good to start the season. Finally, the meet was over and we all rushed home! It wasn't long after we got home that people started to show up. I love how much support he (and our little family) has! Dallin quickly pulled up the website on my iPad and searched for the letter. Once he found it, the room quieted, and he started to read: "Elder Dallin Southwick..." It seemed like an eternity before he finally read: "You have been called to serve in the Dominican Republic Santiago mission!!!" Everyone cheered!! Everyone was so excited! He has to report to the Mexico City Missionary Training Center on July 9 to learn to speak Spanish in preparation for his service in the Dominican Republic. I was elated that he gets to serve foreign and Spanish speaking, but July all of the sudden seemed too near. I knew he would leave around that time, but now it was for sure. I don't know if I'm ready to let him go, but I can't imagine a better place for him to be or a better thing for him to be doing! We are so excited to experience this journey with him. The Dominican Republic will have a part of my heart and become a part of my heart over the next two years. Buena suerte Elder Southwick! Felicidades!

Tanner Dehart Mission Call Opening:

Tyler Chisholm Mission Call Opening:

Dallin's Mission Call Opening:


Dallin wearing the same shirt that the girls inadvertently both wore to open their calls.

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