Saturday, March 9, 2019

A weekend of music, dancing, and singing!

This weekend was full of musical adventures! On Friday (March 8th) night, Danny had his spring orchestra concert. I love watching his progression. I am amazed at how well the orchestra sounds for only being in junior high. I love that Danny has expressed such interest in the cello...and that he wants to continue to develop that talent.

Saturday night (March 9th) Dallin attended what will be one of his last high school dances. It's crazy to think that this year is almost over! I get overwhelmed when I look at my calendar and see it filling up fast! I can't believe the end of the school year is almost upon us!! I have to stop and remind myself to enjoy all these little moments because they fly by so quickly. Tonight's dance was a girl-ask-guy dance (Preference) so Dallin's date, Jackie, got to pick him up. Even though Jeff and I had plans in SLC, I made sure to stick around to see Jackie and Dallin before their dance. I am grateful that Dallin has chosen good friends. I love seeing them enjoy all these high school milestones together. Jackie is a beautiful girl both inside and out. They had a blast together!

After seeing them off, Jeff and I headed to SLC to see Mozart's opera, The Magic Flute. Yes, you read right. We went to an opera. This was originally going to be on my #40by40 list, but Jeff decided to have his appendix out that day, so it got postponed. (I think Jeff was secretly trying to get out of it.) We had dinner at the Garden Restaurant before attending the performance. I'm not sure opera is really our thing, but it wasn't horrible. I actually enjoyed the musical talent, and we did enough homework before the performance so we weren't lost in the story line. I may give another opera a try, but I think Jeff was satisfied with his one and only experience.

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