Saturday, June 1, 2019

Dallin's first Temple experience

After Amber's shower, we cleaned things up then headed to the Payson Utah LDS temple where Dallin would attend the temple for the first time. As much fun as the shower was, I was really looking forward to this part of the day. I needed the peace that I can only find within the walls of the temple, and I was excited to see Dallin take this step in his journey of faith. I know there are families where some of the kids choose a different path. I know that can be a difficult situation as the parents try to maintain their faith while supporting their child's choice to go down a different path. I know that all our kids have that same choice, and I know I would support them if they choose a different path no matter how difficult it may be; but, I am grateful that Dallin has made the choice to embrace the gospel that he has been taught. I am grateful that he has made the choice to help share his love of the Savior with the people in the Dominican Republic. I am grateful that he continually chooses to be obedient and desirous to follow the Lord. I loved every minute of being with him in the temple. I couldn't hold back the tears as I witnessed this spiritual milestone in his life. I can't help but sift through a myriad of emotions as we approach the date he is to report to his mission. Overall, I am proud of him and excited to witness the adventures ahead; however, I can't help but feel a little sad as I think of two years without him at home. Yet, it is a sacrifice we are all happy to make!

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