Sunday, June 16, 2019

Happy Father's Day!...and broken bones

Happy Father's Day to the most amazing husband and father! Jeff's kindness and generosity are incomparable. His love for his family and desire to serve is immeasurable. Our kids are lucky to call him "dad"; I am lucky to call him "mine". I don't know where we would be without his constant support and love. There are often times when I wonder if I deserve him. Perhaps not...but I am lucky he chose me. I am grateful that he encourages me (and the kids) to do more and be more. He inspires us to greater heights. He leads by example and is humble enough to realize that he doesn't have all the answers. I am beyond grateful for him in my life! I couldn't have picked a better father (and husband). This year, the kids decided to get him a gift he couldn't buy for himself - their time. They treated him to breakfast at Cracker Barrel then the boys took him up on West Mountain to shoot guns. For the man who has everything he could ever really want (except maybe a boat), this was the best gift...just time hanging out with Dad. (In case you're wondering, I got him a belt. Not quite as meaningful, but it's what he said he needed.)

Jonas made this card for Jeff. It says: "Daddy, I love you. Thanks for being a good daddy. You're welcome for letting me come to work with you."
Sunday, we enjoyed church together then just the day hanging out. For dinner, we made shish-kabobs with tater tots and strawberry ice cream for dessert. After that, tragedy struck!

Ok...maybe tragedy is too strong of a word, but the following events led to an Urgent Care visit. Jonas wanted Jeff to push him on the swings so Jeff obliged. Jonas wanted to be pushed higher so Jeff obliged. Jonas didn't necessarily want to fall out of the swing, but Jeff obliged. I'm just kidding. It was a total accident. Jeff was giving Jonas one final push and between the push and the momentum of the swing, Jonas fell out of the swing. He tried to hold on to the chains but eventually lost his grip and came crashing down on all fours. I was fortunate not to see any of this, but we immediately knew something was wrong when Jonas started to exhibit some mild signs of shock. We decided to take him to Urgent Care. We x-rayed his right arm and found a subtle buckle fracture in the radius. We thought that was it. It was the only arm he was complaining about, but when we went back to our exam room to wait for the arm to be put in a splint, he started to complain about pain in his left arm. Sure enough...the left arm had buckle fractures in both his radius and ulna. Poor kid! We got them splinted that night then casted the following Friday (the day before Amber's wedding! What a week!). He was a trooper through it all. He only really complained of pain on Monday when there was a bit more swelling. Jeff feels horrible it happened. I'm proud of him for being so brave. It was a memorable Father's Day.

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