Saturday, June 22, 2019

Jacob & Amber Armstrong!

Today Jacob and Amber covenanted eternity to each other! This has been a long-anticipated day, and it was beyond beautiful! As parents, we couldn't have asked for a better companion for Amber. It has been a privilege to be on the sidelines watching this love story unfold. There were many obstacles that seemed insurmountable to some, but Amber and Jacob never lost sight of the end goal - to be sealed in the temple for eternity. They worked hard and even sacrificed much in order to be in the right place and the right time...and the day couldn't have been more perfect. It began with a beautiful sealing ceremony in the Payson Temple. As I sat beside Amber, I couldn't help reflect on my own wedding day. I loved listening to the officiator repeat the words of the ceremony and remember the promises Jeff and I made to each other. Those promises have seen us through good times and bad. Marriage isn't easy, but when you find your perfectly imperfect partner, it is worth it.

After the temple, we went back to our church building where Amber and Jacob chose to have a ring ceremony for those who were unable to be inside the temple when the sealing took place. While the promises made in the sealing ceremony were poignant, I was brought to tears as I listened to Amber and Jacob exchange vows. I was grateful that they chose to allow us all in on this intimate moment as they publicly made promises and confessed their love.

The rest of the day is a bit of a blur! After the ring ceremony, we had a family luncheon. Our friends, Byron and Angela Lacey, grilled up some burgers with fries! It was delicious. Finally, everyone dispersed and we quickly set up for the reception that evening. The weather was perfect. The decorations were beautiful. The cake was gorgeous...and the bride and groom were beyond happy. I was glad to see so many people come to celebrate with the new Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong. Congratulations to the happy couple!


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