Sunday, February 16, 2020

A week of very special birthdays...

I would be incredibly remiss if I didn't recognize the very special birthdays that occurred this week, even if two of the individuals weren't geographically close enough for us to celebrate with them. This week both of my parents and my mother-in-law (MIL) celebrated birthdays! February must be a month that produces incredible people. I am truly blessed with parents who love me unconditionally (and I definitely put that love to the test in my younger years). Collectively, they have taught me to value family above anything else. They have shown me, largely through their examples, how to persevere in the face of adversity, how to laugh and embrace positivity, how to work hard and not expect handouts, and how to not give up even when you can't imagine moving on. They were not and are not perfect - and I love that most about them. They are human. They experience emotions and often struggle to know what to do...just like me. While they may not be perfect, they have never stopped trying. They are two of my heroes!

On Sunday (16th - two days after her actual birthday), we celebrated my MIL. I feel immensely lucky not only to have found an incredible husband but to have married into such a wonderful family. My MIL is the personification of service. She never stops considering others around her. She works tirelessly to teach her family how to be productive members in our homes, families, communities, etc. She can probably still work circles around me! She is patient and she loves her family above all else. This is evident in the respect that her posterity shows her. We were fortunate enough to gather all those that reside locally for a birthday dinner in her honor. Every evening that you can gather with family is a perfect evening! And it was made all the more special as we got to honor this amazing woman.

Happy birthday to all the incredible parents in my life! (We'll have to celebrate my father-in-law in November, but he is definitely included in those incredible parents!)

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