Monday, May 25, 2020

School's "out"? Summer begins?

This was not the end-of-school-year I was expecting a few months ago. Gone were the final concerts, awards ceremonies, parties with friends, preschool graduation, etc. Instead, there was a day assigned for Danny to go to the junior high to grab his things and that was it for him. He completed all his new assignments on May 15th then the last week was just for make-up work.  Jonas also finished his preschool assignments on May 15th, but I have yet to tell him school is over. Haha! We actually keep doing little worksheets so he can keep up with his work in preparation for (hopefully) kindergarten in the fall. Jonas did have his final recital in music lessons via Zoom and was able to go (face mask and all!) to his final gymnastics performance, but that was it for him.

The world is still a little crazy, but things are starting to open back up. There is talk about returning to church services; restaurants are opening their indoor seating; waterparks are starting to open. In fact, I enrolled Jonas in swim lessons again. I told Jeff that I am more concerned about him drowning than him contracting the virus at this point. We have become a little more relaxed with our social circles. We are seeing family more often and allowing contact with certain friends. However, we are not taking this lightly. Hand sanitizer is being used in abundance and we are still cautious about where we choose to go and who we choose to have contact with. Facemasks are still a part of the norm, and "social distancing" is a natural part of our daily vernacular. Even Jonas has "planned" events and described where we would all be positioned so as to maintain proper social distancing. We still spend most of our time at home. Jonas and I get a little creative to try to survive the mundane routines of home. One day, there was a flyover by military jets in honor of the healthcare workers who have been battling this pandemic on the front lines. It was kind of cool to go outside and watch for them.

The weather has warmed up, which means more water activities. We played with water balloons one day, and Jonas went "hunting elk" in our driveway (aka shooting his bow and arrow at his plastic, inflatable cow).

On National Chocolate Chip Day (yes...that's a thing), we made yummy double chocolate chip cookies. Anything to make the day just a little more fun!

The weekend before Memorial Day weekend, the girls planned a little camping trip to Strawberry Reservoir and invited the rest of us. Danny was excited to finally get out of the trailer (where he's been for a week and a half because he was sick). He went up with Laurin and Casey on Friday night. Jeff, Jonas, and I joined them on Saturday afternoon (Amber and Jacob came up that evening). We got to go canoeing and fishing (for those who wanted to) on the reservoir. Most of the time, we just hung out at the campsite. It was nice to be outdoors with no agenda. It was even nicer because I didn't plan it! It's great now that the girls are older and plan their own stuff. I only had to pack food for the boys, Jeff, and I. We only spent one night. Sunday morning, we did a little hike. The terrain was filled with wildflowers. It was so pretty! It was worth sacrificing a night of good sleep to be with family and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors.

The following weekend was Memorial Day weekend. We had originally planned to camp at Lagoon with the Told family like we'd done last year. However, with the uncertainty of this virus and the park's opening, we opted to push that trip back to Father's Day weekend. That left us with a wide-open holiday weekend. There is always plenty of work to do around here so Saturday we spent catching up on a few chores around the property. Sunday (May 24th) we roasted S'mores at Gma and Grumpy's house in the evening since they would be going to Idaho Falls for Memorial Day. On Monday (25th), we decided to join Amber and Jacob at Payson Lakes for a picnic lunch and a little fishing. The lakes were beautiful! The weather was perfect too! Jeff, Jonas, and I enjoyed walking around the lake while Danny and his friend, Noah, set out to catch fish in the canoe. We eventually found Amber, Jacob, and Mitchell, who had joined in our fun. Jacob and Mitchell had been out fishing and caught 3 fish. Jonas decided he wanted in on the fun so Jacob showed him how to fish from shore then took him out on the dingy. Jonas actually caught a fish! He was so excited to show us. Jeff showed him how to clean the fish and yes, when we got home, Jonas ate his fish. Once we left the lake, we all congregated back at our house for a traditional burger BBQ then ended the day by watching Captain America. It may not have been an expected start to our summer, but it's been a good one!

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