Sunday, November 1, 2020

Family pictures 2020

Family pictures are never something anyone really looks forward to (even the Mom who insists on doing them EVERY YEAR!), but it is something we all enjoy looking at for the rest of the year. I can't believe how much our family changes from year to year. Danny and Jonas are the ones who physically change the most from year to year (at the moment), but there have also been some additions (and absences) for the past couple of years. It never ceases to amaze me how many memories can be tied to one picture. For me, family pictures elicit emotions and memories - not just of the picture taking event, but also of the year that preceded it. I love this crazy, chaotic (usually loud) family! We are far from perfect! We fight and we cry. There are unknown heartaches and disappointments, but we never stop loving and we never stop trying. I have felt the pains of growth as I have evolved in my role of matriarch of this little family, but I have also felt immense joy and overwhelming love. I have learned that time is a great healer and our Savior's grace can mend all wounds. I sincerely believe that it was not by accident that Jeff and I found each other. It was part of a plan that existed long before we did. I will never stop loving. I will never stop trying. I will never stop fighting for this little family.

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