Saturday, January 10, 2015


When I went to look at the pictures I'd taken of the week, I realized that I hadn't taken any! It was just a normal, mundane week in the Southwick home. The holidays and all the festivities are over. The kids are back in school. Jeff and I are back to the grind managing the business and the house. It was actually a pretty productive week though. I was able to get a lot accomplished in re-organizing the filing and billing for the New Year and also in working on a family history project. My amazing aunt is putting together a book of history about my maternal grandparents, their ancestors, and their posterity. I have been helping to edit and compile the information. It has been a fun project...and it makes me feel like I'm finally putting a check-mark in the "do your family history" box. In any case, once Saturday came, I was ready to relax a bit...but only after the boys' basketball games. Dallin has been participating in basketball for nearly two months, but Danny just started this week. I have to admit, Danny's games are a little more entertaining. It's pretty funny to watch a bunch of 4th grade boys scramble around for a ball then not know quite what to do with it once they have it. Danny did a pretty good job though. I think I'm more proud of him when I see him being a team player rather when he's being the star of the game.

After Danny's game, Dallin had a game. His team has really done well this season (even though they lost this game). It has been nice to see how Dallin is able to play with new teammates and to mesh well with them. I know I said this last year, but I think Dallin has grown even more as an athlete this year. I like to see him enjoy the game rather than get upset when things don't go his way. I'm proud of both my boys.

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