Saturday, October 31, 2015


It was Halloween week! We had several activities leading up to the main event. On Monday (26th), we all picked pumpkins out of our garden (one thing that grew well this year!) to carve and/or paint. (I'm not too fond of the carving part so I opted to paint mine.) It was cool that we were able to get pumpkins out of our garden that we had grown. We had fun creating our pumpkin masterpieces!

Mine is the pumpkin at the top, followed by Jeff's cat silhouette, then Dallin's bat, and Danny's creation. 
On Wednesday (28th), my friend and neighbor, Cathi Chisholm, hosted a "Witches Lunch" for several ladies in the area. Cathi absolutely loves Halloween!! She goes all out...and this lunch was no exception. It was so much fun to associate and laugh with friends. With Jonas, I am not always available to attend these functions so today was a nice exception.

Friday (30th) was the day Danny had been anticipating all week - the Halloween parade! He was so excited because I agreed to let him walk with Jonas in the parade. The boys have kind of gone with a football theme this year - and Jonas is the football. Danny was so cute with him. I could tell that he enjoyed showing off his little brother! I just prayed that he wouldn't "fumble the ball" during the parade.
Danny with Jonas and his friend Noah.

Danny wanted me to take this picture of Jonas's "first day at school".
Finally Saturday arrived - Halloween! We spent the morning completing all our chores and errands so we could enjoy the evening festivities. We started with our traditional Halloween dinner. I love making holiday themed meals. 

After our dinner, the boys quickly got in their "costumes", and we headed to the church building for the ward's "trunk-or-treat". The boys LOVE the "trunk-or-treat". Basically they walk around to several cars for a duration of maybe a half hour and come out with a HAUL of candy! Dallin got a little extra this year because he was carrying the cutest football EVER! We ended the evening by making an appearance at my brother, Scott's, Halloween party. Jonas, Jeff and I headed home after that, but Amber and the boys decided to hit up a couple neighborhoods for door-to-door trick-or-treating. It was a great Halloween!
Danny the referee, Jonas the football, and Dallin the football player.
Amber as the Queen of Hearts with her friends, Jake (Flynn Rider) and Rachel (Lioness)

Jonas was wiped out! Too much trick-or-treating!

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