Friday, October 16, 2015

Jeff's birthday

Happy 42nd birthday to the one man who still makes my heart smile!! Today was Jeff's birthday. He is never one to really want the attention or to have some grand celebration (unlike me who likes to milk her birthday for all it's worth!) so we celebrated quietly. Jeff attended to some of his work responsibilities in the morning, then, after dropping my parents off at the airport that evening, Jeff and I went to dinner at Wingers where we enjoyed watching the first quarter of the BYU football game (not my first choice but "when in Rome") and indulging in a gigantic piece of asphalt pie (pretty much a slice of heaven disguised as mint chip ice cream with Oreo cookie crust drizzled in salted caramel).
On Sunday (18th), we celebrated with family. Amber was able to come home for the evening. Jeff's parents and sister, Katie, also joined us. The kids got Jeff an Apple TV for his birthday. Jeff has this thing where he always tries to guess his gifts before opening them. They spent the entire afternoon bantering back and forth as Jeff made guess after guess. Let's just say that Danny is not the best at keeping secrets. Jeff was pretty much able to guess it before he opened it. I actually think Jeff enjoyed the guessing more than the receiving of the gift. After a salmon dinner (not the boys favorite!), we sang happy birthday then tore into one of Jeff's favorite desserts, banana cream pie. While I'm sure Jeff enjoyed the gifts (I got him tickets to see his favorite comedian, Brian Regan) and the food, I'm certain his favorite part of the day was spending it with family. I am so grateful that this incredible man came to this earth. I couldn't have asked for a more patient, loving, inspiring, positive man to be my husband and my best friend. I am an extremely lucky woman! Happy birthday Jeff!

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