Saturday, June 11, 2016

Lake Powell and Shadow Mountain

We are into week 2 of our summer vacation and the party continues! This week, Dallin and Jeff left on Wednesday to head to Lake Powell for Dallin's high adventure scout activity. (I'm not really sure how "high adventure" it is to sleep in a houseboat and play in the water all day.) They had a blast! Dallin came back with several bumps, bruises, cuts, and scratches from playing king of the mountain (aka tube). Jeff said he was good and didn't get involved in all the tussling, but Dallin challenged him to do a backflip off the houseboat....and he accepted the challenge. He impressed all the boys and leaders when he landed it! (I think he might have even surprised himself a little.) I guess Jeff still has his skills...even in his old age. In addition to swimming, they also did a little fishing. Jeff seemed to enjoy the fact that he caught two fish. I think that was his personal highlight of the trip.
Tyler Chisholm and Dallin waiting to head out to the houseboat.

Since Jeff and Dallin left for Lake Powell on Wednesday, Danny, Jonas and I decided to have a fun day. We headed to Orem to run a couple errands before heading to the Brick Oven for lunch (because Danny had a free kids meal from making honor rolls this year.) While we were out, Danny bought a wooden box to paint when we got home. I love doing wood crafts. For awhile, I was doing several holiday wood crafts for the house. Danny always asked if he could do one...I'm finally making good on that promise. That evening, we watched the 3rd game in the NBA finals. Danny has gotten really excited about basketball recently...although I still think he enjoys watching it more than playing it.

On Thursday morning, I dropped Danny off at Wilson Elementary where he boarded a bus to head to Shadow Mountain camp. This camp was organized years ago as a way to help kids socialize with kids from other schools in anticipation of them all going to the same junior high schools. It has simply become a tradition over the years. Just like Dallin and Jeff, Danny had a blast! He came back tired, a little sunburned, and with no voice. I would say his campout was successful. He really enjoyed the glow-in-the-dark slip n slide and the "polar plunge" (which he says the water was 0 degrees but when we tried to explain to him that would have meant the water was ice, he still maintained it was 0 degrees). That just left Jonas and I here for the weekend. We went out to lunch with Katie and had breakfast with Gma Penny, Grumpy, Gma T, Katie, and Stan and Kristi (who were in town for the parade of homes). All in all, it was a great week for everyone! I do have to admit though, I'm really looking forward to the fact that there are no camps, conferences, tournaments, etc. this week! It will be nice to have everyone home and to get all the chores done around here that have been neglected thus far.
Danny and his friend, Wes, waiting for the buses.

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