Saturday, June 4, 2016

Youth Conference

This week Dallin, Jeff, Jonas and I spent the weekend in Heber for Payson West Stake's youth conference. (Technically, Jonas and I didn't need to be there the whole weekend, but when I considered that I wouldn't see Jeff for 4 days this week and 4 days next week, I decided to tag along.) Each year the youth in our area (ages 14-18) attend a youth conference comprised of special speakers, fun games, dances, and good times. This year we were able to go to the Heber Valley Camp, which is a HUGE camp designed primarily for girls camps. There were nice cabins, running water, showers, kitchens, etc. It was an extremely nice facility. Jeff and I were invited up to help run the human "hungry hippos" game on Thursday morning. Jeff needed to be up there for his bishopric responsibilities anyways. Me getting invited up was an added bonus. We had a blast!..and I think all the youth did too. In addition to running our game, Jeff and I were able to participate in a couple of the special speakers they invited up to speak to the youth (Merilee Boyack and John Bytheway). They were both engaging, funny, and inspiring. I felt uplifted and renewed as I listened to them talk about "standing up in a sit down world" and "striving to the finish". I enjoyed associating with the other adults up there and watching Dallin interact with his friends. I am truly grateful for the youth program in our church. I believe it helps them find good friends who have the same morals and standards. I tried to keep my distance and not interfere with Dallin's interactions too much so the following pictures are ones I tried to sneak in here and there. I think he's to the point now where having Mom and Dad around isn't as cool as it used to be. Oh the teenage years! I don't know if I'm ready for another one. Still, I wouldn't trade the ones I've had. They may have their quirks and issues, but they are good kids. In any case, when Jeff and I weren't at the camp, we enjoyed spending time together in Heber and Park City. We made reservations at a hotel in Heber for the weekend to make things a little easier on Jonas (and to get some sleep away from the rowdy, energetic youth!). Thursday, after we left the camp, we checked in at the hotel then I took Jonas swimming while Jeff slept. I think Jonas likes the water; he just didn't like how cold the pool was. Jeff joined us for a bit after he woke up then we found a local spot to eat at before retiring for the evening. Friday, we joined the youth again in the morning, but that afternoon, we went back into Heber for lunch (at a little dive with great food - Tony's Tacos) before driving the back road to Park City where we met up with Nichole and Ryan (who flew up for Ryan's cousin's surprise 40th birthday) for about an hour before we had to head back and they had to get to their party. I stayed at the hotel while Jeff went back up to the camp for the last night. Saturday, we got up, packed up, then went back to the camp to help the youth pack up and head home. It was a really fun weekend! I am grateful for a loving and considerate husband who made me a priority this weekend even though he had to juggle his church responsibilities. Now on to next week's adventures!!
Dallin playing Hungry Hippos

Dallin (and friends) setting a squirrel trap.
John Bytheway
Dallin sitting in between all the girls. I'm not ready for this!
Dallin playing bean bag toss with his friends.
Jeff and some of the youth from our ward getting all tangled up.
Jonas and Nichole. We are glad we got to see her...just sad the visit was so short.

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