Saturday, June 18, 2016

Quiet moments, ping pong and mission calls

This week was a little less fast paced as the previous two weeks. (Although this is just the lull before the storm! We have plenty more fun planned in the coming weeks!) It was nice to enjoy a week at home with all my boys. We were able to finish chores around the house and property that had been neglected (even though the work is never done around here). Generally, I like to start my day by doing various exercises (in my quest to lose that last little bit of pregnancy weight). Usually, I just go out to the shop to run on the eliptical or use the weights. However, I have spent a few mornings replacing my treadmill workout for an actual walk around our loop. I start my day when Jonas starts his so it tends to be pretty early, but I haven't minded one bit...not when I get to see the sun crest over the mountain range and shower the earth with its light. I love being able to see the earth wake up in the morning. It has provided time for thought and contemplation. I am truly blessed. I have no clue what I did to deserve all I have, but I will be forever grateful to God for the blessings I enjoy. I have a husband whom I adore; children whom I love and would do anything for. I live in a comfortable home with amenities many people never have. I am free to believe what I wish and live in land that is not racked with the torments of war. As I watch the sunrise, I give a silent prayer of gratitude to Him who makes it all happen. It is not surprising that it is often in the quiet moments that I feel the most peace.

One of my most favorite quiet moments.
Well this week wasn't all quiet! The boys spent one day swimming at the Provo Rec Center (I didn't go so there are no pictures) and another day at the movies. Another day, we drove up to Salt Lake where Dallin found a ping pong table for sale. He has been saving his birthday money and finally decided that was what he wanted to buy. The boys have been playing it non-stop since. It has been fun hanging out in the shop as a family. Jonas even likes to play with whatever ball he can get his hands on.

However, I think the most exciting thing this week was this:

Yup! Amber received her mission call! We have been anxiously awaiting her mission call even since before she put her papers in, and now it's finally here. We received the envelope on Friday but Amber couldn't come home to open it until Saturday the nerves just continued to rise! Finally, the moment of truth came. Amber was pretty funny. She would start to open the envelope then stop when her anxiety got the best of her. Finally, it was opened and she quickly jumped right to where she was going. There was no introduction. She just blurted out the mission - Spain Barcelona! We weren't sure if she was just teasing of if that was really where she was going. Finally, she read the letter from the beginning. Spain Barcelona Mission! She reports to the MTC in Madrid on October 4! I am so incredibly excited for her (especially because we'll be able to speak Spanish together!). Krystle and Jordan served in that mission so they are elated as well. I'm sure there will be much to talk about when they're here in a couple weeks. I'm still not sure the whole mission thing has sunk in for Amber. After she opened her call, she just kind of went about things as if nothing had happened. She did run to the computer to look up maps and other information, but other than that, life was just normal. I'm sure it will sink in soon. We have much to do to prepare! Spain here she comes!

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