Monday, February 18, 2013

Presidents' Day

Today the kids had the day off from school so we decided to have a little family fun! We took the kids to the Orem Rec Center to go swimming. This was a new experience for me. Usually swimming involves hot days and lots of sunshine. This was not the case. Instead I had to bundle up over my swimsuit to survive the mid 30 temps outside to get to the rec center then bundle up again when I was leaving and hope my wet hair didn't freeze! Still we all had fun. It was nice to imagine warmer days and anticipate Spring...which everyone tells me is just around the corner...but I will believe it when I see it. After we went swimming, we took the kids to what I believe is the Jeff Southwick family choice of restaurants - Sizzlers. It was a fun family day!

Danny getting ready to dive off!

Dallin - vertical in the air.

 Jeff attempting one of his many flips - he was actually pretty successful.

Jeff and the girls

Full tummies and funny faces - that's our family!

1 comment:

  1. I'm SOOOOOOO glad you have a blog!! Like Lauree, it helps make it feel like you're not so far away....
