Thursday, April 25, 2013

Jordan's BYU graduation

On Thursday (25th) and Friday (26th) my brother-in-law Jordan (Krystle's husband) participated in the graduation events at Brigham Young University. I am in awe of Jordan. He graduated Magna Cum Laude with his Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering. I would have failed miserably! Most of what he talks about is way over my head, but thankfully he understands it! He has worked very hard to get to where he is at. Now he has a four month break before he starts his Masters degree at BYU. Crazy kid!! In any case, on Thursday Jeff, the boys and I attended the University Commencement program with my parents, Nichole, Tyler, Kate and Krystle. Elder L. Tom Perry was the commencement speaker. As we arrived at the Marriot Center, we passed by Elder Perry in a golf cart. He had stopped to meet some of the event organizers. We waved to him and he even spoke with my niece, who was eating a pink sucker at the time (which was what he commented on). He was so pleasant to speak with and his smile was infectious. I didn't realize that he is the oldest apostle. He is 91 years old, but seems so much younger. He spoke about living a balanced life and using wisdom in future decisions. The program was really good. The following day was Jordan's actual graduation with the college of Engineering. As much as I enjoyed Elder Perry's address the evening before, I really enjoyed this ceremony because I could actually see Jordan. Again, we are very proud of his efforts. He is a great example to our kids (as with all the other aunts, uncles, etc. who have set goals and accomplished them). I hope that each of the kids will want to pursue their education in whatever form they desire after high school. Way to go Jordan!
Elder Perry in his golf cart with my mom and Kate in the corner of the picture.

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