Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Weber State University

Today, in the state of Utah, all the juniors were required to take the ACT during the school day. Because of that, the sophomores and the seniors didn't have to go to school (lucky)! Therefore, Laurin had the day off....so what did we do? We headed to Ogden to visit Weber State University! I know I have only known Jeff and the kids for almost two years...but this is ridiculous! Time is FLYING!!! I can't believe Laurin is actually at that stage of life to be moving out and starting college. I think she still has mixed feelings about the whole "moving out" part, but I think she's ready. She is such a responsible, mature young woman. She will do fine...even if it's a bit scary! In any case, Laurin invited her friend, Courtney (who is also considering WSU), to come along. We got to the campus a little earlier than our scheduled campus tour so we went to the student union to hang out. As I watched all the college kids mill around and interact, I was grateful that stage in my life is over! Don't get me wrong! I enjoyed college and still have several friends that I met while in college, but I am done with all the classes and exams and silly boys and dating (even though those last two lasted longer than my college career). I smiled as I watched several boys take interest in Laurin and Courtney. I think it was good that I was there instead of Jeff! Finally, we took the tour and spoke with a campus counselor regarding registration and classes, etc. We also visited the two on-campus housing complexes and made sure to drop by the Institute building. WSU is a smaller campus, which I think is appealing. I think Laurin will enjoy it there. It's crazy to think that she may be there in less than 6 months! With that realization, on top of my birth-week, I suddenly felt old! Still, I'm excited for all the adventures that lie in wait for Laurin!

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