Saturday, March 1, 2014

BUSY Saturday!!

Today was a busy Saturday! Once I left for Danny's game in the morning, I kept running until about 8:30 p.m.! I'm not sure why it always happens that way, but it always seems that my Saturdays are either REALLY BUSY or not much going on at all. I think my Saturdays need to spread the love a little better! In any case, the day started with Danny's last basketball game. He has enjoyed the season overall. I think he is learning that sports aren't always fair and they aren't always fun when other players aren't playing fair (including at times himself when he lets his frustrations get the best of him), but he did a great job and scored half of his team's points for their final game. I feel he has grown over his short season - in both skill level and emotional maturity. Now if my boys could just learn that it's ok to lose sometimes, I think there would be less tears!

After Danny's game, I headed over to the church to participate in our Super Service Saturday. This month the Relief Society organization (a worldwide women's organization devoted to strengthening faith, families, and in doing service for others) turns 172 years old! I am proud to be a member of this amazing organization. I have been privileged to meet and associate with some of the most incredibly talented, faithful women in this world. I am inspired by the great and the small things they do. I feel uplifted and strengthened by their love and compassion. I feel honored to serve along side them and to be served by them. To celebrate the Relief Society's birthday, we dedicated ourselves to a day of service. There were several service opportunities available that would benefit the members of our church and community. We sewed baby receiving blankets, comfort pillows (to be donated to local hospitals or rest homes), made cards, made dry soups in a can, crocheted baby burp cloths (I actually did this!! It took me the entire time to finish one burp cloth but I was SUPER proud of my newly discovered domestic talent! I thought I was void in that area!!), and so much more. I really enjoyed chatting with all the women that came and doing a small act of service for some unknown recipient.


Brenda was so patient in teaching me to crochet!
The white cloth with the black border was the one I completed.
After the service event, I was able to run home to relax for about an hour before heading out to Dallin's basketball game. Yup! He's back in the game. Jeff removed his cast a couple weeks ago but he was between tournaments. They've just started their Spring leagues and he couldn't wait to be back on the court. It was a nail-biter but Dallin scored the winning basket with a quick layup with only 15 seconds left on the clock! Whew!!

Finally, we headed to our last event of the day - a combined honors choir from the 5 high schools in the Nebo School District. It was REALLY good! I played the flute all through elementary, junior high and high school. My mom said she had to suffer through elementary and junior high, but by the time I got to high school, she really enjoyed the concerts. Unfortunately (or fortunately), I didn't get to experience the elementary and junior high concerts, but the high school concerts have been exceptional. Each high school sang one song then they combined for 5 songs under the direction of Dr. Ronald Staheli from BYU. They all did a great job! I am proud of Amber for her desire to share her talents. She is truly gifted in vocal performance and I hope she finds a way to pursue that in later years. All in all, it was a really good (even though busy) day!

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