Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the beautiful women out there who have ever loved a child and earned that child's love in return! That is what a mother is: an unselfish woman who loves, nurtures, and sacrifices herself for the life of a child. I have been blessed to live a non-traditional mother life. I started this journey as an aunt, as a social worker, as a youth volunteer, and more. I was then entrusted with the care of 4 children that I did not bear before I was ever able to bear a child of my own creation. Because of this, I have learned that the title of mother is more than simple biology. I have shed more tears than I would like to admit as I have traversed this motherhood journey, but I have also had countless moments in which I felt like my heart would burst with love and joy. Motherhood is not for the faint of heart. It is work. It is moments when you feel like a total failure. It is moments when you want to intervene to save your child from heartache but can't. It is moments when you doubt your ability to be a mother. It is moments when you wonder if anything you do is noticed or appreciated. It is moments when you have to be the villain to maintain the greater good. It is moments when you hear an unsolicited "thank you" that makes your heart smile. It is moments when you overhear your children debating with friends as to whose mom is the "coolest". It is moments when you connect with your child on an emotional level never before achieved. It is moments when you observe your child doing good things and think that you must have done at least one thing right. Motherhood is a lifelong commitment. You can't give up. You can't quit. You will always be mom. Thank you to all the moms out there who are still in the fight! Thank you to all the moms who have shown me what motherhood is all about! Thank you to my own mother who will always be my greatest champion!

As I have mentioned, there are days that I don't feel very successful in my motherhood career, but today was not one of them. Jeff and the kids spoiled me from morning to night. We were able to talk to Amber who is finishing up her mission in Spain before indulging in a delicious (and beautiful) pastry breakfast. The kids even got me flowers and a beautiful leaf necklace with all our birthstones. (That gift produced a few happy tears. I have always wanted to get a necklace that represented all my kids, but never did so out of respect for their own difficult journey in this non-traditional family we live in. The necklace meant the world to me!) Jeff gave me a gift certificate for a hot air balloon ride!! (I have always wanted to go on a hot air balloon ride!)

That afternoon, I enjoyed going to church with my handsome boys before returning home to a deliciously prepared dinner. The best part was I didn't have to clean it up! It was a good day. There were so many Mother's Days that I used to was not one of them. I am proud to be a mother! It is the most exhausting career but also the most rewarding...and one I wouldn't change for the world.

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