Monday, December 9, 2019

12 Acts of Kindness: Act 9 & Luminaria

Tonight we got to enjoy what has become one of our favorite family traditions - Luminaria! I have always loved the gardens at Thanksgiving Point, but there is something so magical about wandering through those gardens with Christmas lights. I can't say enough about this experience! It truly bombards all your senses with the sights, sounds, and smells of Christmas. Prior to going to the lights, we met up with Amber, Jacob, Laurin, and Casey at the Harvest Restaurant for dinner...and one small act of kindness. Jeff and I treated everyone to dinner and paid the normal tip rate, but each of the kids contributed some of their own money to supply a tip above and beyond for our deserving waitress (believe me, anyone who serves us food deserves a BIG tip!). Because of how busy she was, we didn't have a chance to really chat with our server to get to know her. She looked to be about Laurin or Amber's age, which could mean that she was going to school or simply trying to figure out the whole "adult" stage of life. With whatever circumstances she had in her life, we hope she enjoyed our small act of kindness.

Finally, we headed to the gardens. In years past, we have enjoyed this tradition on a weekend night with grandparents and other family members, but this year, it was just us and on a Monday night, which meant less crowds and less people to keep track of (although we still had the craziest ones to manage with us). The kids enjoyed taking their time as we walked through the various themed gardens. They stopped to play with a lite bright type board, ski ball, and more. And, of course, we had to stop to see Santa's reindeer! We enjoyed all the bright colored lights and festive themes, but my favorite part is still the statue garden with all the statues of Christ. There is something serene and reverent as we walk through that garden with the lanterns lighting our way. It helps me to remember the true reason for the season, and I was grateful to share my love for my Savior with Jonas as he asked about the stories behind each depiction of Christ. I know I delve into all the commercial and secular traditions of the season, but I have never lost sight of why it is we celebrate this holiday. I am grateful for the birth of a baby that grew to be our Savior. I'm indebted to Mary's (and Joseph's) love and sacrifice. I am eternally thankful for our Father in Heaven's ultimate gift of His Son. Christ was the first and everlasting gift of Christmas.


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