Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Eve

I'm pretty sure Jonas thought this day would never come! He was so excited for Christmas and the few days leading up to it seemed endless to him, but here we are...finally! We started our day with making Santa's cookies then just hung out with the family until it came time to start our Christmas Eve traditions. Around 4:30 p.m., we started to assemble and put out the luminaries; however, the wind was against us that evening. The bags would not stay upright no matter how much sand we put in them to weigh them down. I just knew that all our efforts would be for naught if we continued. As we discussed the situation, I saw Jonas go over to the garage stairs and kneel down to pray. Tears filled my eyes as I saw this small act of faith. My heart was overwhelmed to see him pleading to the One whom we were celebrating that night. In that one act, Christmas was complete for me. In all the traditions, activities, and magic, Jonas still remembered Christ. Unfortunately, the wind didn't stop. We were unable to set out the luminaries that night...or even Christmas night. We were finally able to set them out Sunday evening after a beautiful sacrament meeting that morning and a heartfelt study of the Living Christ at home that afternoon. It was actually the perfect way to end our holiday weekend. I'm not sure what Jonas prayed for that night. Perhaps he wanted the wind to stop right then and there...and it didn't. Perhaps he wondered if God heard him or answered his prayer. I hope that Sunday night he realized He did. Sometimes God doesn't answer our prayers in the way we think is best or even in the time we desire, but He is always listening and the answers do come. 

After deciding to postpone our luminaries, we went inside to continue our Christmas Eve traditions. We had our Bethlehem dinner and Christmas Eve devotional. Jonas and Jacob played a Silent Night duet as we sang. I then read Luke 2 (intermixed with the children's book, Celebrating a Christ Centered Christmas). Danny played O Come Emmanuel on his cello and Laurin, Casey, and Carter dressed up as Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus as we all sang Away in a Manger. I cried again. I couldn't help it. I felt the Spirit in our home that night as I was surrounded by family. While I missed my own parents and siblings, I had gathered together our own little family. We were all there. This was Christmas for me. Because of his birth, life, death, and resurrection, I can continue to gather my family for eternity. 

The evening was finally coming to a close. We were getting closer and closer to Christmas morning. After our devotional, we celebrated little Carter's birthday. Laurin wasn't concerned about having a big party, but I still got some balloons and little decorations. He "opened" (with help) his gifts then he helped his family open their Christmas jammies...only to discover he's going to be a big brother!! Yup! Laurin is pregnant again. The next baby is due August 4th! We were so surprised and excited! We then put on our jammies  and played a couple of games before we decided it was time to go to bed so Santa could come.

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