Monday, December 6, 2021

Sugar cookies and a silent night

If you've been keeping up with all my posts, you can see that we haven't had a "silent night" in quite some time. We have been busy with family events, vacations, holidays, birthdays...and that's on top of all our normal daily activities and responsibilities! Needless to say, I was excited to welcome an evening of silence...and a little sugar. It has become a tradition to make sugar cookies while we watch the Christmas devotional from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This devotional airs on the first Sunday, but we are usually celebrating Danny's birthday so I record it so we can watch it the following evening. I actually like that it's just our little family (although Evan, Kristina and their boys [who are currently living with us for a couple of months] joined us for some sugar cookies) that indulges in cookies and Christ. It's surprising how much the boys engage in decorating the cookies. Danny actually takes it pretty seriously, and Jonas just makes sure to maximize his sugar intake. Once their bellies are satisfied, I love that we can just sit down and enjoy messages of Christ with beautiful music. I need these reminders of why we celebrate this season. I need little nudges as I am quickly distracted by all the hustle and bustle of preparing for the season and executing all our traditions. I need to be prompted to remember to offer the compassion, love, patience, etc. that He did. I need to reflect on the gifts I have to give Him and what He has so abundantly given me. As we sat in the glow of our Christmas lights, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the light He gives us. I felt overwhelmed by love as I looked around the room at those with me and remembered those who were missing. I needed tonight. I needed some silent reflection (and I always need a little sugar!) to realign my priorities this holiday season.

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