Thursday, December 2, 2021

Luminaria (& CAKe: Act 4)

Tonight we continued the tradition of attending the magical, whimsical, festive walk through the lights of Luminaria. I love this light display! I love that lights are associated with this time of year. The world seems just a bit brighter as lights are placed on and in homes. It helps me to reflect on His light that illuminates in the hearts of people as kindness and love are shared. Tonight we had the opportunity to spread a little more kindness (and perhaps make things a little brighter for someone). We first met at the Harvest Restaurant for dinner and left our server an extra trip. Jeff and I always cover the cost of the meal and a "normal" tip then encourage the kids to donate whatever they can to add to that tip. I know the money goes to the server, but as I see the kids willingly donating their own money, the act of kindness touches my heart as well. We have good kids. Sometimes I need that reminder as well. Logically, I know that, but in the moments of parental frustration or disappointment, that knowledge can be forgotten. I know we perform these acts for others, but sometimes I think I need them just as much as (if not more than) the recipients of the kindness. 

After dinner, we spent a couple of hours strolling through the lights and reflecting on the true meaning of Christmas as we wound our way through the different light displays and exhibits. I'm pretty sure the lights get brighter each year and the games are more fun. Jonas loved the light bubbles that changed colors as you hopped from one to the next. The kids, of course, stopped at the giant Lite Brite board to spell out "Happy Birthday" for Danny and Carter (our two December birthdays). Again, Jonas was elated to see that his two favorite reindeer, Dasher and Blitzen, made a stop at Luminaria again this year. However, I enjoyed the soft Christmas hymns and the gentle glow of lantern lights as I slowly walked through the paths of statues of Christ. Jonas stopped me at the scene of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. "Tell me this story," he implored so I told him of Christ's love for Him. I recounted His suffering for him. I reiterated to him the beautiful gift of repentance through Christ's atonement. I reminded him that Jesus is our friend, advocate, and savior. I cried as I expressed my love for Him and my joy at the opportunity to celebrate His birth. It was probably more than Jonas wanted to hear, but I was grateful for the opportunity to bear my testimony of my Savior, the Light of the World. Yes...the evening was a little crazy at times as we navigated our way through crowds or tried to stay together when some people wanted to stay to play and others wanted to move on, but for a moment, I could just stop and remember. It was just what I needed.

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