Saturday, December 23, 2017

12 Days of Christmas Kindness: Day 12

Today was the last day we have scheduled to spread kindness and joy during this Christmas season. However, I hope this isn't the last day that we decide to make an effort to lighten the load of those we may never truly know. Today had everyone going in different directions (which is often the case). Because it would be difficult to manage a time to all be together, I decided to challenge each family member to simply be aware of each other and those around them to find opportunities to serve. It could be something as simple as smiling to everyone that passes or holding the door open for someone. I just wanted us to practice being aware of others. Too often, we get caught up in our to-do lists or our own desires that we fail to recognize those around us. I strongly believe that there are opportunities to serve everywhere we go. To be honest, I don't know if the kids did it or not. I hope so. I hope the previous 11 days set them up to remember to look out instead of focusing in. I know I tried to be aware of everyone...even in a crazy, busy Walmart with people rushing all around for those last minute items. I sincerely hope that I can remember the lessons I am trying to teach my family. I know that I can have tunnel vision and fail to see the needs of those around me. I want to be better. I want to be an example of what I verbally try to teach. I want to be more like The One whose birth we celebrate - our Savior, Jesus Christ. Merry Christmas!

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