Saturday, December 22, 2018

12 Days of Kindness: Day 11

Tonight is definitely the family's number one favorite kindness activity - the drive thru! We have done this activity since we started this tradition several years ago. It is the one that elicits the most excitement from us...I can only imagine how the recipients of our kindness feel. Each of the kids put an anonymous amount of money in an envelope then off we go. We go to as many drive thrus as we can get to and pay for the person's meal behind us before the money runs out. Tonight we made it to 7 drive thrus (3 of which we paid for two cars behind us!)!! That's more than we've ever done in the past! It literally took us 2 hours to complete this activity. That's more time than it's ever taken us before, but it was worth it! We never really get to see the reaction of the recipient, but I love seeing the smile of the drive thru attendant as he/she accepts the money on behalf of the recipient. I think this year I've noticed more of the ripples our acts have caused. I have seen the reactions of others - not just the recipients. Kindness goes far beyond the intended recipient. Any act of kindness can inspire any who witnesses that act. It was fun night...full of food and laughter!

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