Sunday, December 23, 2018

12 Days of Kindness: Day 12

Today is Sunday. We started our day by attending a special Christmas service at church. Honestly, after the last "amen", I felt like Christmas was done. We had truly experienced what Christmas is all about. It's not about the tree or tinsel. It's not about the gifts or goodies. It's not about the presents or the illusion of perfection. It is about love. It is about family. It is about Christ. Today the peace of Christ permeated our small chapel and penetrated every heart as we listened to the retelling of the Nativity story through scripture and song. Amber sang a solo (O Holy Night). Dallin performed in a trio (Mary Did You Know?) and Daniel sang in the choir. Even Jeff and I participated in a sort of "pop up" or "instant" choir for a couple of numbers. Tears filled my eyes as witnesses of Christ's life and love were so poignantly portrayed. This is Christmas. He is Christmas.

Today's final kindness activity was to provide service in the home. Often times, I feel we focus outwardly on our service and kindness even though those who could use it most are those within our own homes. Today I challenged all of us to be a little kinder and to find ways to serve. This required us to be aware of each other's needs throughout the day instead of simply focusing on ourselves. For some, this was an easy, natural activity. For others, I think it required a little more effort. To be honest, I don't think some took it very seriously at all...which was a little frustrating for me. I wish I could say there was a palpable increase in the peace in the home, but I didn't notice it. In fact, by the end of the night, I was pretty frustrated with some of the kids' attitudes...but I love them anyways. I think the greatest service I offered that day was an added measure of patience. There are so many times I don't exhibit patience when I should. I have to remember that they are still learning and growing...and so am I. Often times, I pray that they will have patience with me as I bumble my way through shouldn't I have patience with them? I have enjoyed these last 12+ days of kindness. Yes, it is sometimes frustrating to organize and execute with everyone's changing schedules or desires to be elsewhere, but I learn and grow from it...even if no one else does. I learn that my kids really are good kids. They have kind hearts and, while they're still learning, they are very capable of thinking of others. I learn that plans don't always have to go as I envision for them to be effective. I am reminded that kindness doesn't take a lot of money or time. I am reminded that I too can be better at recognizing the needs around me instead of focusing on myself. Most of all, I feel closer to my Savior as I consider and contemplate how He would serve if He were here. This truly is the most wonderful time of the year...not because of the presents we receive or the lights we see or the yummy goodies we devour, but because of the life that began over two millenia ago that inspired and reminded everyone that we must love God and love our neighbors. There is no greater commandment than that. Merry Christmas!

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