Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Sunday

Today we get to celebrate the real reason for this holiday (after the Easter Bunny came & delivered the kids' Easter baskets). I know I've mentioned in a previous post how much I love the beauty of Spring. I also love the symbolism of this time of year. It is a time of new birth - a time of renewal and life. I don't think it's a coincident that we celebrate Christ's victory over death during this season. I can't even begin to describe the depth of gratitude I feel for my Savior, Jesus Christ. Everything I have and all that I am I owe to Him. I have felt His peace during times of tumult. I have experienced His love when I had no one to love. I have been guided by His promptings when I was lost. I still cannot grasp all He sacrificed for me. I still do not understand the breadth of His atonement, but I do know He loves me. I know He understands all my pains, even if I don't know how. I know He knows what's best even if I don't see it at the time. I'm grateful for His example. I'm grateful that He still loves me and forgives me when I don't always follow in His path. I love my Savior. In any case, like I mentioned before, the kids woke up and discovered their Easter baskets. I have to explain. The chocolate milk and spray whip cream is something Jeff did for the kids in the few years before we were married. It wasn't my idea, but the kids (well the boys) love it! I added "bunny tails" (white powdered donuts) and candy-filled "carrots". Each kid also received a large Symphony bar and a bow tie (the girls' bowties were the color of a $20 bill).

My handsome boys and their Easter ties!
We went to church then came home for a quiet Easter dinner. I know I may get struck with lightning for this, but I came up with my own symbolic Easter feast. We had roast lamb (for the Lamb of God), funeral potatoes (because He died), rolls (because the stone was "rolled" away), and green beans (still not sure what that could symbolize but I had to make sure there was a veggie in there). For dessert, we had angel food cake (because He rose again) with raspberry compote and strawberries. It was a delicious way to end an awesome Easter weekend!


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