Tuesday, October 14, 2014

2nd Annual Relief Society Auction

Tonight the women (18+) in my church congregation (ward) gathered for our second annual service auction. We did this last year and everyone really enjoyed it so we decided to make it an annual event. It was a fun night to visit with so many incredible, every-day women and to share talents and service. The evening started with a delicious soup and rolls dinner before the auction started. Basically, the women of the ward auction off their services or talents. We had everything from someone offering to babysit to canned/bottled goods to photo card designs to homecrafts. We were each given a sheet of paper with several items on it (e.g., said your prayers this morning, held family home evening, served a mission, cleaned your house, went grocery shopping, etc.). Each item was worth 5 points. The more items you did on the list, the more points you had to "buy" the auction items. I always enjoy spending time with so many friends...and making new friends. I am so grateful to belong to such an amazing women's organization that capitalizes on women's strengths and divine qualities. I am grateful for the examples I see all around me of service and never-ending compassion. I truly feel inspired and uplifted. What a great night!

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